Patrick Furey Jr. resigned from the Torrance Traffic Commission earlier this month.

But the work of cleaning up local government and restoring public trust is far from over.

Pat Furey the Mayor needs to rebuked, recalled, and rejected.

For the time being, let us expose the entitlement mentality which has afflicted the Furey political famy.

Instead of owning his repeated misfeasance with political campaigning, he blamed those who exposed him and then demanded his ouster.

The Daily Breeze reports:

The son of Mayor Pat Furey, Patrick Furey, blasted city
officials and “sad political attacks on the mayor and my family” in a
resignation letter sent when he stepped down at the City Council’s request.

Boo Hoo. The reporting from the Daily Breeze merely mirrored and informed the South Bay public about the perverse corruption of the son and his father buying up local offices at the expense of We the People
The panel was scheduled to discuss firing him from his
volunteer Traffic Commission post at a meeting set to convene at 7 p.m.

Furey Jr. chickened out. He quit before the city council  fired him.
Officials received the resignation letter less than 20
minutes before the meeting was scheduled to begin, although a city source said
the younger Furey was still pleading his case to city officials at about 6:30
that evening.
The younger Furey, a political consultant who ran his
father’s 2014 mayoral campaign, stepped down because of his central role in
coordinating and hiding illegal contributions in concert with a supposedly
independent political action committee backing Furey’s election.
In total, there were eight violations of the state’s Political
Reform Act. The mayor’s campaign and the PAC were fined $35,000.
Patrick Furey took no responsibility for his actions in his
resignation letter, however. Instead, he blamed “the most extreme element of
our city” for making “vicious public attacks,” as well as the City Council, who
he said had “attacked two volunteer commissioners in one year.”

So, We the People are "extreme elements." Wow! Just wow!
Who has issues?!

Another volunteer commissioner was removed last year for
pushing a personal political agenda; it was the first time that had occurred in
at least four decades.

The entire Furey family is engaged in personal political agendas.

No, Pat Jr.: the residents of the city of Torrance are not extremists for expecting the city council's elected officials to do their jobs.
We are not extremists for demanding good and honest government.
The truth is, more people have started waking up in the city of Torrance. The city has become imbalanced with bad policies and corrupt leadership.
The city council has turned into a spring board for progressive politicians–Tim Goodrich–demanding a liberal agenda which costs everyone else.
The Big Labor lobby is dictating what everyone else has to pay.
The Big Green agenda is bleeding the region into the red, telling us how we get to and from home and work, without any consideration for the proper limits placed on the state based on the state and federal constitution.
We are not extremists for calling you out on your corrupt behavior, Mayor Furey and Son!
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