Flashreport Editor Jon Fleischman sounded the alarm.

I responded in turn.

The state legislature, with Republicans in tow, was going to pass another tax increase.

He helped me to spread my message on the MCO tax increase.

I am glad that more Republicans voted no.

More local conservatives need to pay attention to their legislators, Republican and Democrat.

Republicans need to be prodded in Sacramento. They work for "We the People", not "They the Special Interests".

Sources inform me that two thirds of the Assembly Republican caucus were going to cave on the MCO Tax during the special session.

I worked hard, contacted lawmakers, and got some interesting responses. Jon Fleischman retweeted my statement, as did Grover Noruist.

Former and current GOP Assembly leaders noticed what I had to share.

This tax increase nonsense cannot go on. The last thing that Sacramento needs is more money.

And so, with great joy I write …

Assemblyman David Hadley (R-Torrance) held his ground and voted No.

So proud.

The new conservative blood in Sacramento voted against higher taxes.

In the state senate, the vast majority of the Republican members also voted "No!"

It could have been worse.

No, I am not happy that the tax increases went through.

I do not agree with the fuzzy discussion and unsound justifications from legislators to vote for any increase.

But my assemblyman voted "No!"

Thank you, Assemblyman Hadley!

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