I loved David Suissa’s tough call for “Tough Love for Obama.”

It seems like there’s been some tough love in the Jewish Journal, too. For the first time
in years, I am unexpectedly yet delightfully reading a “centrist-liberal” take
on the hypocritical double-standard of a President who claimed to be the change
that everyone was hoping for, but has turned out to be just more of the same.

If self-criticism is such a virtue, then the President would
have engaged in enough of it by now to realize that he has been advancing the
same spend-and-spend, go-and-fight foreign wars statism of the previous
administration. This is one nasty trend in American politics which must not be “sanitized.”

I commend Suissa for his open call for real scrutiny of this
a president, and I think more people in the Jewish community would be better
served concentrating their criticism on president who has done much harm to
this country’s relationship with our one ally in the Middle East —  Israel. From pressuring Netanyahu for land-swaps
to open appeasement with hostile Arab countries, one can only ponder: “With
friends like Obama, Israel needs no enemies.”

Thanks again, David. Keep up the good work.
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