Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals should live up to its name.

President Obama deferred the action to deport, remove illegal aliens who had arrived in this country when they were young. Now it's time to enforce the action.

The truth is–this DACA revocation is not complex. It's actually a pretty simple concept.

People who are in this country illegally need to leave the country, get back in line and follow the legal process to become citizens in our great country

We can complain–and perhaps rightly so–that the process to become a citizen is cumbersome and unfair. But millions of people have come to this country legally and joined our great nation as legal residents.

So, right way I have no compassion for lawlessness.

This country's compassion has been stretched to its limits. It's time for our elected officials to stop being guilt-tripped into throwing out the welcome out to everyone who comes to our borders claiming asylum or refugee status.

And you know what else? It's not the fault of the citizens in this country if illegal aliens took their children into this country and put them in this tight position.

The most compassionate action we can take is to enforce our laws.

Simple as that.

So, let's see what the liberal media choose to do …

They turn up the perverse sympathy card. They induce readers to feel sad and even ashamed that they want the rule of law respected and our statutes enforced. Or the press will give the impression that enforcing our laws is too difficult, and will create too many problems for us.

From The Daily Breeze:

Trump faces a complex choice on DACA

It's not a complex choice, as much as the previous administrations have refused to enforce our laws. This conflict is not hard to understand. What is lacking is the political will to do what is right for the American people.

Donald Trump signed executive orders this week that might deliver two
of his biggest campaign promises — to build a border wall and to make it
considerably tougher to be an undocumented resident of the United States.

Donald Trump has followed through on more promises made–in two weeks time, then any politician before him. This is incredible!

But a third campaign promise — to repeal the Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), and start the deportation process of about
750,000 people who grew up in the United States after being brought here as
children — remains unfilled.

Yes, and I submit that this is a big problem. We need to undo this unconstitutional program, no looking back. Donald Trump can declare to the world that he is compassionate. Elected officials are not permitted to spend our money for their compassion.

I share the same thing

For thousands of people in Southern California, that non-move by Trump
is a moment of personal anxiety, a potentially life-changing shoe that has yet
to drop.

For Trump, it’s a moment of political anxiety.

Before the election, DACA was as big a part of his campaign as the
border wall. In speech after speech Trump railed against the program, saying he
would “terminate” it immediately, even in the face of political blowback.
Polling shows his core supporters responded to that message, seeing the promise
as a sign that Trump was immune to typical political pressures.

But since the election, Trump’s language on DACA has softened.

I have spoken to Trump supporters and staffers in the Trump administration. The reason that he is not pulling the lever right now on DACA is that he wants the entire cabinet assembled.


But we need him to pull the lever soon. There should be no more applications processed. Time to pull the plug on that perverse program.

In his first TV interview as president elect he suggested he would
replace DACA with something that would allow younger immigrants to stay in the
United States. And on Wednesday, hours after he signed the executive orders to
start construction of the border wall and to beef up border agents and
immigration personnel, Trump told ABC news that DACA recipients “shouldn’t be

At this point, I stopped paying to what Trump says, and more attention to what he does. And Trump is doing a great job already.

Still, many are.

“There is just chaos and hysteria going on with our undocumented
community,” said Luz Gallegos, community programs director for the TODEC Legal
Center, which provides immigration services in the Inland Empire.

The word "undocumented" is the weasel word of the year. Give me a break. Human beings are not pieces of paper. They are human beings. And human beings can be illegal.

Like many immigrant advocacy groups in the region, the center continues
to help immigrants already in the program to renew their status with DACA,
which offers relief from deportation in two-year windows. But Gallegos said her
group also is advising people not to submit initial applications for the
program, keeping their personal information — and the fact that they’re not
documented immigrants — out of government databases.

“It’s been really emotional. We don’t know what’s going to happen two
days from now, two hours from now. It’s a roller-coaster” Gallegos said,
choking up.

“There’s really no end to it with this administration.”

All of this chaos and upset is President Obama's fault. If he had any principles, if he really cared about fixing the immigration problem the way that he intended to, then Obama should have done something about the issue during the first two years of his Administration.

And Obama did nothing:

What is known is that DACA is popular.

As of now, DACA, created five years ago as an executive order by Barack
Obama, covers about 750,000 people, about half of whom live in California. Most
work or study here; virtually all speak English and are culturally assimilated.

How do they know that DACA is powerful? Who is telling them this?

Other sources have outlined that they do not know how many illegal aliens are in the country. But of course, notice that nearly half of these zombie migrants are in California (supposedly). 

Often, DACA recipients — touted as DREAMers by supporters and in the
media — are the public faces of the immigration debate.

Notice the passage writes "by supporters and in the media." Let's make this plain. The media are supporters of these DREAMers, while ignoring the American Dreamers, the citizens who were born in this country and are finding it more difficult to find work and excel in their careers.
A poll released in late November by Global Strategy found that 58
percent of all voters supported keeping DACA in place, and just 28 percent
wanted it to be repealed.

Which voters? Guess what … I don't care if 90% of the people favor this DACA crap. It needs to be repealed. The rule of law is not based on popular sentiment. That's how Obama had governed for the last eight years. We need leadership, not feelings.

For Trump — supposedly immune to polling — a choice to cut the program
could reduce his political capital.

No it wouldn't. What a crock.

“The politics of it get very dicey,“ said Mike Madrid, a
California-based Republican strategist who has studied Latino voting trends.
For most voters, he said, “going after DREAMERs would be one step too far.”

He is not going after "DREAMers." He is ending the ruthless lawlessness of the Obama Administration and their chronic disregard of We the People, the ones who form a more perfect union and who expect our elected officials to honor their oaths and uphold the rule of law.

“This is absolutely a lightning rod. DACA has personalized the
[immigration] issue in a way that nothing else has, It puts a human face to it,
and in a social movement, that can change everything.”

Given the political delicacy of the issue, Madrid said, it’s possible
that Trump could choose to quietly phase out the program, rather than make a
big repeal announcement.

“I think that might be as far as they’re willing to go, politically.”

But Trump is already facing pressure from anti-illegal immigration groups,
who fear the president‘s hesitancy to repeal DACA signals a broader softening
on his hawkish immigration policy agenda.

“We’re very disappointed,” said Joe Guzzardi, national media director
at Californians for Population Stabilization, a Santa Barbara-based group that
advocates immigration restrictions.

“He said early and often that he was going to repeal Obama’s executive
orders on immigration, and DACA was on that list.”

I agre with Guzzardi. Trump needs to kick rump and repeal that immoral program.

In an email blast sent earlier this week, the North Carolina-based
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC urged its 50,000 supporters to tell the
White House to reopen its comments hotline so they could push the president to
act on DACA.

“He risks alienating the very powerful base that elected him if he
doesn’t act soon,“ said William Gheen, the group’s president. “We’ve given
Republicans all of the branches of government, and we don’t want to see them
support DACA by any means.”

Trump didn’t look at polling when he moved to build the wall. Only
about 37 percent of Americans want a border wall; 59 percent oppose it. And,
broadly speaking, most Americans — 61 percent — favor a path to citizenship
for immigrants.

Other Republicans are moving away from Trump on immigration.

Earlier this month, a bipartisan group of senators, including
Republicans Lindsay Graham of South Carolina and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska,
introduced legislation to give deportation relief to as many as 740,000
undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

Lisa Murkowski is a total RINO, and how she came out of Alaska, I will never understand. If she is so concerned about all those illegal minors, she should pay for them to live in Alaska.

“It’s my firm belief most Americans want to fix a broken immigration
system in a humane manner,” Graham said in a press release.

Graham's belief is all wrong, and our system is not broken. The powers that be are refusing to enforce our laws. This discussion continues to go around in circles. Pro-enforcement activists and advocates have done everything they can

In a statement on Trump’s executive orders Wednesday, California
Senator Dianne Feinstein took the president to task for not addressing DACA,
calling it “the most important issue at hand.”

Feinstein was one of the biggest cheerleaders for amnesty. If there were more commonsense voters in the state of California, they would be taking her to task, then throwing her out of office, Of course California has lost its commonsense base, or Republican voters are just not voting anymore, as they have gotten tired of being lied to or disappointed by Republican candidates, who get elected and then fail to stand their ground on principles which are best for our country.

“It’s a successful program that I think the president should leave
alone,“ Feinstein said. “Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said DACA youth
wouldn’t be a priority and I hope he follows through on that.”

Youth cannot be a priority, to the extent that repeated deportees commit rape and murder. They absolutely must be removed from this country, permanently.

Some of the blowback will undoubtedly come from the DREAMERs

Since the inception of the program in 2012, reciepients [sic] of the program
have become a well-resourced and vocal political interest group, mobilizing
undocumented immigrants and presenting a sympathetic face to the immigrant
rights movement.

Here's another reason why DACA must be repealed. This group of illegal alien youth who have been sheltered are getting more radicalized by the minute. They do not honor the rule of law in our country,

Check out this video to get a glimpse of what will happen if there is no clear-cut enforcement of our laws:

“I think the real political strength of DREAMERs is that they are
telling people who they are,“ said U.S. Congressman Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana,
who has been outspoken on immigrant rights issues.

This is a lie. He does not care

“And when you get to hear their stories, how do you say no to them?”

Still, Trump might. His nominee for Attorney General, Ala. Sen. Jeff
Sessions, introduced legislation two years ago to end DACA. And a key
counselor, Steve Bannon, has publicly denounced the program.

Earlier this week, a draft of an executive order was leaked the Website
Vox. That draft called for the elimination of DACA.

Let's hope it goes from leak to deluge, and very soon.

Final Reflection

Let's state the truth in earnest.

Anyone who enters this country is expected to do so legally and to reside in this country legally.

This is not a complex issue.

If parents put their children at risk, that is their fault. They made the situation complicated by breaking the law. It is not an "act of love" (as Jeb said) to violate our immigration laws.


Every other country in the world enforces its immigration laws. Why can't we?

We have been compassionate to the rest of the world. It's time for our government to put Americans First — and that means Americans of all ethnic backgrounds who are born and/or naturalized citizens.

This DACA situation is not complicated. The cowardice or craven liberalism of our political class has created this problem. For once, our elected officials should have compassion on this country's citizens.

And that is not a complex request, either.

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