DACA is almost over.

The deadline approaches on March 5, 2018.

No matter what they did, all the screaming and yelling, all the harassment in Congressmen's offices did nothing for them.

The immigration bills proposed in the United States Senate all died ignoble deaths on the floor of the upper chamber. The House has taken no action on John Goodlatte's proposed Securing America's Future Act legislation.

What else can they hope for?

The game is over. There will be no amnesty. There will be no movement on opening our borders any length whatsoever. All the upset has come to naught.

What a great day for the American Republican. This country's compassion has been pushed to the absolute limit, and it was both fitting and fair that President Trump rescinded the program for good.

Two federal district courts are trying to reinstate the program. Their defiance of the President and the United States Constitution will not be long-lived, that's for certain.

Now we have NexGen America trying to harass and bully elected officials one more time. They don't seem to understand that the ship has sailed on this matter. 

It's over! It's over! We are making American Great Again!

DACA can’t wait: Join us at a local NextGen event. 
The Supreme Court just delivered a ruling that allows Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to continue to detain immigrants indefinitely â€” an inhumane decision that separates families and restricts the right to due process. 

Immigrants, both undocumented and documented, are incarcerated in oftentimes cruel conditions while they wait for determination of their immigration status or potential deportation. 
Across the country, hundreds of thousands of immigrants are still struggling with the possible reality of being forced to leave their loved ones from this country we all call home. 


This ruling comes at the heels of another recent announcement that the Supreme Court would not take up Trump’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) repeal allowing immigrant youth to continue to file for DACA status. While this is much needed temporary relief, we need real and permanent protections for immigrants. Both of these updates tell us that our fight for basic human and civil rights continues.
We have heard from you, from our staff, and from those who believe in justice that this is a critical fight that we must continue to act on. We will continue to organize for the rights of our fellow neighbors under attack by the Trump Administration and the Republicans who will stop at nothing to derail progress.

Thank you, 
Sky Gallegos
Executive Vice President
NextGen America

Final Reflection

This moment is somewhat anti-climactic.

The US Senate couldn't get anything passed, but the mere thought of any kind of amnesty or pathway to citizenship would have been no-go for me. President Trump played the Democratic Party like a harp from hell, and took down the Establishment, pro-Chamber of Compromise faction within the GOP down with them.

What an incredible victory. This country has been kind enough, generous enough as it is. No country can accept unfettered, unrelenting immigration. It's simply not possible. There are profound limitations in terms of natural resources, as well as the impact on the culture and the economy. Every country has a sovereign responsibility to uphold its borders, language, and culture.

The United States should not be held to different standards in this regard.

DACA should have never happened. Deferred Action simply proves that the Democratic Party has never cared about these illegal aliens. The party only cared about fomenting the wedge issue and getting votes from election to election. The enforcement advocates were always going to win, since the rule of law and the final victory rested with those who did nothing.

Illegal aliens in this country must return to their home countries and come in legally. It's as simple as that. For now, I want to celebrate that President Trump stood his ground and prevented amnesty from happening. I believe that he will go down as a President far better than Ronald Reagan not just for accomplishing far more on the Heritage Foundation index, but also because he did not cave on amnesty of any kind.

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