The conservatives have bitten back at the
Big Apple, or rather the Empire State.
reports that New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo was backed up against a wall,
is backing away, and is now back-pedaling from his remark that
"extremists" in the Republican Party are not welcome in New York

His press office released the follow statement, and here are some excerpts:

The New York Post distorted Governor Cuomo’s words yesterday, saying that
the Governor said "conservatives should leave New York." The Governor
did not say that, nor does he believe that.

again, what did Gov. Cuomo say?:

Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives, who are right to life,
pro assault weapon, anti-gay, is that who they are? Because if that is who they
are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state
of New York. Because that is not who New Yorkers are.

Gov. Cuomo cannot pivot from this pathetic assessment of "extreme
conservatives." The fact that Cuomo called pro-life advocates "extreme"
in itself is offensive. If one wants an example of extreme, look no
further than the current Democratic Party platform, which outlines no
exceptions to abortion. In effect, one can seek an abortion at any time during
the pregnancy, and on the taxpayer's dime.

Once, again, the governor falsely characterizes all New Yorkers as pro-choice,
or pro-abortion, or that they support gun control measures, many of which do
not work because the state refuses to recognize the fallen nature of man and
the need (as well as right) to keep and bear arms. Or that they have no qualms
about the transformation of marriage into a civil status in which two people of
the same sex can enter.

And that" anti-gay" remark. . . that statement in itself sets up
a false dichotomy of hate, when those who oppose gay marriage and discourage
homosexual conduct argue from a different basis. Homosexuality is a
choice, and a bad one. For decades, the argument has proceeded from homosexual
activists that people are "born that way." The lesbian libertarian
Tammy Bruce acknowledges that she chooses her sexuality. There are many
accounts even published in popular media, which highlight individuals who have
left the "gay lifestyle". Medical research, anecdotal evidence, free
from partisan bias, outlines that a consortium of conduct such as homosexuality
creates more problems for one's life and happiness.

There is nothing wrong with exposing to people the truth about life, gun
rights, and the consequences of homosexual conduct, Mr. Governor!

Times are now changing in American society. Governors cannot get away with such
hollow swipes at conservatives, at communities of faith which recognize the
sanctity of life and the unique status of marriage as a union of one man and
one woman. Governor Cuomo is engaging in damage control, but he needs to go
further. He needs to stop preaching this ideology in which someone who
disagrees with his modern liberal policies is automatically a bigot, a
racist, or worst of all, unfit to live in the state of New York.

Accepting a lack of courage from the
political establishment, political and cultural conservatives are punching back
on their own, and twice as hard (in the words of Ben Shapiro). No longer a
matter of retribution or retaliation, the backlash against liberal stigmatization
and shame is about redirecting our leaders to respect the rights of all
Americans, and to stop demonizing those who refuse to sit back and put up with
cultural mores not in line with life, liberty, and the individual pursuit of
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