I received this extended, informative statement about immigration from another Cudahy, CA resident, Francisco Torres:

My point of view from a 
from Perepecha the enemy of the Aztecs.

 Immigration into
United States

Following archeological facts people from Europe came to
America 16, 500 to 13, 000 years ago during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) according
to the hypothesis by Dennis Stanford and Bruce Bradley.

What we know as the American continent was native land to
500 nations before the modern times European Conquest of the Americans

The 500 Nations had problems among each other about territory,
laws, traditions, language and religion.

In current territory from Mexico the Aztecs were at war with
Perepecha.  The Aztecs conquer people and
took over their land.  The main reason
for Aztecs to have wars was to get salves or prisoners of war.  Aztecs sacrificed young virgins and prisoner
of wars to their goods.  Aztecs eaten the
heart and made a drink with the blood of their human sacrifice.  Native Americans from US had arms conflicts
with each other.

Human tragedy took place during the Europe Conquest to
Americas.  “500 American Nation” engaged
into a military conflict with Europe.

July 4, 1776 is the Independence Day of the United States

I do recognize the genocide done to Pre-Colombian Nations,
US Native Americans, Mexicans living in the territory sold to the United
States.  Puerto Rico the great Island is
a territory for the US.
Fernado Espuelas comment: "The founding father gave
opportunities to Loyalist to become US Citizens. Tories or Loyalist did not
wanted independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain"
We have problems with immigration system in the US due to
bad chose taken by business owners during 1940’s.  Therefore corrupted elected officials got
financed by the bad chose taken by business owners who ignored the Brasero Law
in 1942.  Some business owners did not
asked immigrant workers for proper identification to work following US
Immigration System and Brasero Program. 
Due to the fact there was no enforcement of the Brasero Program greedy
individuals become rich by the cheap labor from people without legal
rights.  Greedy people stared to finance
the political careers of corrupted elected officials.

We are living in 2016 and the World population has
increased.  The World does not have the
resources to support the life of all humans in the World.  All current nations have laws related to
territory and immigration.  All humans
moving to other place have rights.  US Citizens
elect people in government to manage the resources of the nation.  We are a nation organized by laws written in
the US Declaration of Independence, US Constitution and Civil Rights.

Persons with bad intentions become elected officials to get
power and to use people with no legal rights to become rich.  Therefore business owners who do not care
about human rights finance political campaigns.

Persons like the young Cudahy City Council Majority making
bad decisions for the local city take bandage of the law obeying residents
waiting to have a New US President, Vice-President also members of the House
and Congress elected.

The responsibilities of the Immigration System are for the
Federal Government local City Council can help supporting the people writing
law changes, writing and calling elected officials at Federal Level to find
solutions for the well-being of the country.

Francisco Torres (left) with Rocio Pacheco

Corrupted local elected officials break the agreements and
laws stated in the US Constitution, Civil Rights and Federal Law.  The enforcement of law become difficult due
to the decisions from corrupted elected officials when they call proclaims a
city “Sanctuary City for persons with no documents to be in the US.”

 California Sheriff's department had made the stamen they will not enforce all laws form Homeland
Security Immigration Department.

Cudahy lost Federal funding due to the fact Chris Garcia and
the majority of Cudahy City Council proclaims Cudahy a “Sanctuary City.”  There was no need to call Cudahy a “Sanctuary
City” because President Obama implemented the Dream Act, local Sheriff
Department does not agree with all the requirements from Homeland Security and
Immigration System.  Sheriff focus is to
put persons who break the law in jail. 
The job of ICE is to enforce the immigration laws.

Chris Garcia and the Majority of Cudahy City Council puts
fear into people when he makes the stamen “Do not open your door to ICE.”  People understand their civil rights and we
have groups who dedicate to be sure human rights and civil rights are
protected.  The Sheriff Department and
Civil Right Organizations provide information about what to do when a person is
visit by ICE or Sheriff Department without a Court Order.

Los Cuatro Compas: the four homies uses fear to manipulate
the community of Cudahy who are waiting for a change in government who will
make a decision in immigration.  At this
time Dreamers are in the limbo and they do not know what will happen to
them.  Other people are in the process to
get a work permit, green card or become a US Citizen.

Due to the corruption and instigation done by Los Cuatro
Amigos people form Cudahy are afraid of filling complains about
corruption.  When the local residents
fill out complains to corresponding government offices they the community form
Cudahy get ignored.

Most people do not take in consideration the purchasing
power from Cudahy.  Is been mention  in a Planning and Parks Commission that
Cudahy a square mile city has a greater quantities of inhabitants who rent or own
a house than a square mile block from Mexico DF City.

Elected officials ignore the voting increase in young US
Citizens and people who become US Citizens living in Cudahy for this
Presidential Election.
The majority from Cudahy City Council does not give credit
to residents for becoming organize by the League of United Latin American
Citizens (LULAC), founded in 1929.

Persons at higher elected offices such as Senator Ricardo
Lara, Assembly member Anthony Rendon, US Congress Woman Lucille Royball-Allard
and Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis have ignored the call from help
from Cudahy residents.
Cudahy residents are working with persons who might do not
have the same point of view about immigration. 
Cudahy respects the point of view of people who will vote for Donald
Trump.  The difference in culture and
political party affiliation is used by the corrupted elected officials to
divide the community.  This creates a
division in political activism groups following corruption in a local city
council.  Therefore the corrupted elected
official is able to hide his bad decisions, wrongs done to the community,
violations of Brown Act, US Constitution and Law of the Land.

Chris Garcia has the habit of calling the work places of the
people who complain about him and gives bad references to get the person fire
from the workplace.  Chris Garcia ask his
lawyers friends to do a back ground check about people who does not like him,
tray to find ways to put them in jail, to lost immigration process or get
deported by Immigration Home Land Security Department.
Francisco J. Torres, a resident from the Southeast
Communities Los Angeles.

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