I feel déjà vu all over again, just like Yoga Bera.
Once more time, I am defending my current top pick for
President, explaining to readers and voters (hopefully, the same) that my candidate
is not pro-amnesty, but pro-America, a consistently conservative candidate to
secure the country and put the needs of American citizens first.
Scott Walker walked away from pathway to citizenship for
illegals. Guess what? So did I, as did many of my conservative peers, especially
when we recognized that the Occupant in the White House is never going to
enforce the law. Also, I was one of the first to write letters to the Wisconsin
press demanding that Walker reject any embrace of piecemeal amnesty when Walker
considered the idea “acceptable.”
Walker even repealed in-state tuition for illegal aliens. He
joined the lawsuit with twenty-five other states to stop President Obama’s
dictatorial amnesty. He declared his clear focus early and often.
Then Bobby Jindal. In one sentence, Jindal announced his immigration
policy: “Immigration without assimilation is invasion.” Some of my fellow
California Republicans found this declaration offensive. I loved it. Others
still considered him an “amnesty vampire”. My answer to them: “You have lost
your mind.”
Now with Ted Cruz. More articulate and aggressive the
Walker, with a much stronger media and ground game than Bobby Jindal, this man
is the consummate conservative on all issues. It is incredible to me how many issues
on which Trump was shrilly, shrilly liberal, and yet gets a pass.
As a candidate, Cruz faced only limitation for me: He had never
governed an entire state. And yet he holds the US Senate captive when the
members insist on running up debt and funding every part of President Obama’s
perverse agenda. He has manipulated the media in a fashion unheard of and unparalleled.
Now, I have friends who are hard-core Trump supporters. I respect
their views. They are some of the hardest working people I know, holding
elected officials accountable on every issue.
But when Trump attacked
Cruz as pro-amnesty, though, I had to fight back!
Critics haven’t watched this incredible exchange
from Ted Cruz
during his run for US Senate, when he defeated the Establishment
“I am strongly oppose to illegal immigration. I am categorically
opposed to amnesty. I support legal immigration for those who follow the rules.”
Next, Senator Cruz voted against that terrible Gang of Eight
Bill in 2013.
Votes matter. You can tell where a candidate really stands
on an issue when they vote on it. All the talk in the world means nothing if
they are not voting your values.
Nevertheless, Trump pundits and anti-Cruz haters are pulling
out a more sinister playbook, dragging out his amendments to the Gang of Eight
bill. They just love to quote
this phrase
from a US Senate hearing on the Obamacare of Immigration Bills:
“I don’t want
immigration reform to fail. I want immigration reform to pass. And so I would
urge people of good faith on both sides of the aisle if the objective is to
pass common sense immigration reform that secures the borders, that improves
legal immigration and that allows those who are here illegally to come in out
of the shadows. . .”

Guess what? I want immigration reform, too: secure the
borders, remove the welfare state, and enforce E-verify. Sounds good to me. In
fact, Ted Cruz defined immigration reform the same way. Listen to his comments
on the US Senate floor
Donald Trump’s campaign then slammed Cruz with this “devastating”commercial. Pro-Trump theatrics will thump their chests and say: “See?!
Ted Cruz was completely caught off guard in that interview. Oh Ho!”
Actually, he wasn’t. Here is the entire interview with Bret
(no spin here), which reveals so much more than what the real estate mogul’s
attacks had shared. Baier chose his words carefully, when he informs the audience
that Cruz supported an amendment.  In
another sense, Baier was too careful, since he called illegal aliens “undocumented
immigrants”. I lectured
the Huntington Park, CA City
council on their misuse of the word “immigrant”,
which implies legality.
Now about his call for his amendment to pass. Of course it
was a poison pill to kill the entire bill, to expose that the legislation would
not secure our borders, but would create more citizens—and Democrats. Besides,
I have watched Ted Cruz take on talking heads from the left and the right, and
he holds himself steady. He was not wavering that night with Baier.
“I was leading the fight against amnesty. I was standing shoulder
to shoulder with Jeff Sessions.”
Guess who agrees with Ted? US Senator Jeff Sessions
who affirmed: “I was there. Every step of the way, Ted Cruz was on my side and
fought this [Gang of Eight amnesty] legislation all the way through.”
Jeff Sessions supported Cruz’ 2013 filibuster, too. Anyone who
thinks that the Alabama conservative is an amnesty vampire needs to put a stake
in himself. In fact, Sessions voted for Cruz’ poison pill amendment, a subtle
yet very important fact which Trump’s anti-Cruz crowd forgets to mention. Anyone
who thinks that Cruz is pro-amnesty has lost his mind. He is pro-America, and I
look forward to his future success in this country, and for this country.
By the way. . . Did you know that
The Donald hired illegal aliens
to work on a construction project, and even
went to court over it? He testified that he had no knowledge of this major
infraction of immigration law. I notice that his supporters have given him a
pass on this slip-up. The
Washington Post also investigated

whether another Trump company had hired illegal aliens, too.
When will Cruz start shooting back at Trump’s sketchy record
on immigration? Donald sounded pretty mushy, even incoherent with all
his talk about “legal status” and
“we have to do something for them.”
I hope this will get more people fired up about Cruz, and
then tell Trump: “You’re Fired!”

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