

Project Veritas just scored another huge victory in the courts — after a judge in Michigan ruled against the teachers’ union boss that was trying to shut us down.

Read now about how Project Veritas keeps winning in the courts–and why this victory has big implications about what’s to come from our team in 2018.

Like I’ve always said: when you expose the truth, as Project Veritas so often does, you make a few enemies.

Sometimes, these enemies try to take advantage of their deep pockets and their power — by filing ridiculous lawsuits intended to drain our resources, weaken our resolve, and ultimately silence our voices.

More often than not, these lawsuits against Project Veritas are completely thrown out by the courts — with the realization they are baseless and a manipulation of the system.

As our organization grows — as Project Veritas drives increasingly high-profile investigations in 2018 — I expect the threats from our enemies to grow too. I expect more nonsense lawsuits, more direct threats, and more attempts to shut us down.

But Project Veritas has the truth on our side. And, with your help and support, our team intends to keep fighting back — and make sure the powerful can’t hide the truth from the American people any longer.

Find out more about Project Veritas’ latest major court victory — and why this matters for our 2018 investigations.

Thanks again for your help.

In truth,


P.S. Project Veritas is winning in the courts — but our enemies aren’t giving up. Here’s what David Hecker, president of the American Federation of Teachers branch in Michigan, said even after their big legal loss:

    "It is far from the end. We will go after Project Veritas for any and all violations of the law."

The court ruled that Project Veritas didn’t violated the law — but our enemies don’t care. They’ll continue to use every shameful, underhanded tactic they can think of to take us down.

Our team can’t take them on without your help. Will you pitch in $26 — or even $52 — to help Project Veritas continue to take on our enemies and win in the courts?

[XXX]Make your most generous donation to Project Veritas right away.

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