Roy Moore is going to carry the Alabama Special Election run-off like a boss.

Roll Tide!
The rest of the GOP Establishment, which are resisting the pro-American Trump Agenda are getting the message.
He was an outstanding contender in 2006. He was the only Republican elected to office following a terrible year for Republicans during the six-year itch under President Bush.
Two terms later, and he is part of the problem. As recently as August, Corker claimed that President Trump did not have the stability to be President of the United States. What?! What planet does this guy live in. Oh, that's right–he has become a creature of Washington DC.
This is the last thing that we need in our federal government.
See you later, Corker!
Now, there is another US Senator who should take a hike.
His name is Orrin Hatch. He took the lead to prosecute Bill Clinton in 1998-1999. Those were welcome actions. Yes, I am glad that he prosecuted Clinton the United States Senate.
But what has happened to this guy since then? He claimed to be Tea Party before there was a Tea Party. But now he has signaled his support for Mitt Romney to take his place. Huh? He also opposed President Trump's decision to ban transgendered individuals from serving in the military.
Now he is a co-sponsor of the amnesty SUCCEED Act?!
Sorry, Orrin, but you have to go, too.
More than three-quarters of Utah voters don't want Sen. Orrin Hatch (R)
to seek reelection at the end of his term next year, according to a new survey.
A poll by The Salt Lake Tribune and the University of Utah's Hinckley
Institute of Politics finds 78 percent of respondents think Hatch should
"definitely" or "probably" not run for reelection in 2018.
Another 12 percent think Hatch should "probably" run for
reelection, and only 7 percent think he should "definitely" run
Voters are divided over whether they approve or disapprove of the job
Hatch is doing in Congress.

Run, Orrin, Run! AWAY!
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