Grassroots Supporters Are Making the Difference for Republican Victory 2018

This morning, a memorandum from the Republican National Committee showed that the RNC is CONSISTENTLY outpacing the Democrats in fundraising among small dollar donors, disproving any notion that the GOP is "the Party of the Rich".

See more below:

Arthur Christopher —

Did you know?

The very BEST way you can be a part of CONNECTICUT VICTORY 2018is to become of our state's dedicated grassroots investors, right away!

Your generous support of as little as $5, $10, even $25 TODAY will be put into the key infrastructure that will help us secure victory on Election Day, November 6th.

For Connecticut Republicans, our moment is NOW.


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Your contribution will be put into the field for VICTORY 2018 right away.

Thank you!

– CTGOP Grassroots Team

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