Congressman Jim Himes of Connecticut plays to the baser nature of local politics, pushing for more gun control, even though every major study has debunked restrictions on gun control as effective.

Connecticut is facing a political paradigm shift. After 8 years of Democratic rule, the state is going bankrupt. Republicans are winning local elections again because the Democrats have done untold damage to the business climate and the public safety of Connecticut citizens.

The state capital is facing bankruptcy as we speak. Republicans have finally begun gaining seats in the state legislatures, too, since they are offering solutions and following through on them. Some Democrats in swing districts are joining with the Republican program because they fear for their own seats in upcoming elections.

Shame on Democrats for demagoguing the Sandy Hook massacre of 2012. Want to stop gun crimes and gun massacres? Expand concealed carry and constitutional carry! Simple as that.

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Dear Friends,

Five years ago today, 20 children and six adults were killed, in cold blood, in a place of learning. I thought then that the despondency, anger, and hopelessness would surely transform into action to ensure that it would never happen again. 
I thought that Sandy Hook would push Congress to act – to act for sanity, for commonsense, for life. But it didn't. Bills to strengthen our nation’s background check system and to curb the proliferation of assault weapons both failed – despite even the sponsorship of legislators with “A” ratings from the National Rifle Association for their voting records.
In the time since the murders at Sandy Hook, there have been over 30 moments of silence on the House Floor, for San Bernardino.  Orlando.  Alexandria.  Las Vegas. And on and on.
Silence is all congressional leadership can muster. There have been zero real votes on gun safety legislation. On the contrary, we voted last week on a measure that makes it easier for people to carry guns onto federal lands, into school zones, and into cities and states which have passed laws to protect their citizens. Soon, we may vote on a bill that will make it easier to buy silencers. I believe the House Republican majority has no interest in seriously considering what we might do to stanch the flow of blood that characterizes this country, and this country alone.
Still, I have hope. We can be proud of the commonsense firearm laws enacted in Connecticut that protect our citizens from gun violence. Other states have acted, too, like Maryland, New York, and Hawaii. What’s more, Americans – 94%, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll – support universal background checks on all firearm purchases. One day, our congressional leaders will have the courage to bring this – the will of the people – to the House Floor for an up or down vote. 
Until that day, we must persevere. We must do it for Charlotte, Daniel, Olivia, and Josephine. We must do it for Madeleine, Dylan, Catherine, Chase and Jesse. For Allison, Benjamin, Noah, Jessica and Caroline. For Ana, James, Grace, Emilie, and Jack. Avielle, Anne Marie, Rachel, Dawn and Mary. For Vicky and Lauren. And we must do it for the more than 150,000 Americans who have perished by firearm over these past five years.
All of our great struggles – suffrage, civil rights, healthcare – took decades to resolve. We can break the cycle of violence, but Congress must act. We have no other choice.  


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