Congresswoman Grace Napolitano (D-El Monte) sponsored a town hall to teach illegal aliens how they can avoid deportation and protect themselves from law enforcement.

I am not kidding you. This behavior among Congressional representatives throughout California is becoming all too common an occurrence.

Congresswoman Napolitano brazenly disregards the immigration laws of this country. She brought in attorneys in order to protect illegal aliens.

But what about the protection for American citizens?

What about the upholding of our laws?

So, here is the full video of what happened at the El Monte town hall:

Notice that We the People Rising showed up early. We intended to ensure that we entered this meeting.

My best friend Naui showed up, but it's been a lot of fun now, since we have begun turning the tables on these La Raza-Nativist Racistas.

Veronica Tomas was there — she was trembling the whole time, she was so terrified. These criminal, amnesty-pandering thugs do not understand, or rather they do not want to cooperate or care.

This is criminal!

But We the People Rising are  not afraid.

I had a lot of fun photobombing Naui – and he spent more time running away from me!

Naui and his partner in amnesty crime Veronica Tomas have lost their minds.

The frenzy among illegal alien populations has hit a new high–and low. Did they really think that they were going to get away with violating our immigration laws?


Here are some key highlights:

1. Naui harassed my friend Chanell Temple frequently. The chief of police had to force him back. Finally,law enforcement was standing up to that evil illegal alien panderer.

2. Congresswoman Napolitano was not too happy when I reminded her that she ripped off taxpayer by paying herself back huge 18% interest for loans she made to her own campaign! She broke the cardinal rule of responding. "That was 19 years ago!"


3 Veronica accused me and others of stealing free papers offered to the public. Funny!

4, Members of the audience shouted down the immigration attorney, who was lying to the entire audience.

5. The mayor Andre Quintero got to hear me repeatedly shout him down with "Verguenza!"

They are not used to hearing someone who is not from El Monte shaming them and shouting them down.

6. Raul Rodriguez held the United States Constitution many times for people to see. Oh, and this irony was too much to pass up …

7. Napolitano handed out Constitutions at a back table, many copies, and yet she was actively undermining the Constitution with the very town hall she was hosting!

Here is where it went absolutely crazy!

Check out what happened to me:

This woman knocked the phone out of my hand:

She also kicked it away from me when I tried to pick up the phone.

Then this creepy thug pushed me!

Later in the recording, you will see this woman steal my phone off the floor:

Instead of going after these thugs, the police escorted me out:

Are you confused?

I am!

Here is what happened from Grindall61's video:


I need everyone to report this to ICE and to AG Jeff Sessions!

Enough is enough. Stop the lawlessness in California.

  1. Telephone: (202) 732-3300.
  2. Email: or
  3. Mailing Address: Privacy and Records Office, Office of the Director, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 500 12th Street, SW, Mail Stop 5004, Washington, D.C. 20536-5004.

Attorney General Sessions:

U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
The Department may be contacted by phone at the following:

Contact the El Monte Police Department and demand answers for their terrible conduct toward me and the rest of the team.

Demand answers for why they would allow the mayor the host an illegal alien town hall in the city of  El Monte!

El Monte Police Department  
Address: 11333 Valley Blvd, El Monte, CA 91731
Phone:(626) 580-2110

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