Congressman Ron Paul has received the largest number of contributions and support from men and women in the armed forces.

There is a reason for that: he is the only candidate dedicated to ending the United States' unending military forays around the globe.

He is the only candidate who has argued for an end to the military-industrial complex that is siphoning away billions of dollars in government waste and kickbacks to politically allied corporations.

He wants to bring our troops home, a pledge that President Obama has not fulfilled, a pledge that former president George W. Bush ran on in 2000, ultimately winning the election.

Like many candidates from the GOP, Congressman Paul cares about veterans. He is a fighter himself, having taken up the call to serve in World War II, despite already being married with a child. He has the authority to send troops into battle, yet he has asserted that he wants to end these wars, close down military unneeded bases, and return fighting men and women to their families.

Of all the current GOP candidates, Congressman Paul is the most influential, the most integrated, and the most ingratiating.

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