"The Rhode Island Republican Party is (not
) dead." "They can meet in a phone
.” “Rhode Island GOP: Go Away." "Friends Don't Let Friends
Vote Republican."

One prominent Rhode Island Republican wrote for
GoLocalProv.org: "We
are Idiots
". What was the opinionated Republican opining
about? A one-vote
elected Mark Smiley instead of Dr. Daniel Harrop
to the RI GOP Chairmanship, followed by confusion allegations of voter fraud,
distortion, Armageddon, blah blah blah. . . Not very inspiring. But the sun is
shining again. The “idiocy” has turned into idiosyncrasy: Rhode Island Republican
Party chairman candidates have demonstrated true leadership; the center holds;
a new captain is setting sail over the Ocean State.

So, the "chaos" is over, the clouds that “lour’d over” the
Rhode Island Republican Party have dissipated, so far. Still, after the
wrangling over who would be the next Chairman of the RI GOP, one would assume
that the party was all but dead (Stick a fork in, this “Elephant is done”). Point
of fact, the RI Republican Renaissance is on the rise. Even if the Ocean State
remains in a tempest-tossed moribund state, the RI GOP can help "Little
Rhody" to take back the rebound.

Mark Smiley won the chairmanship by one vote after
the ballots were taken in and tallied: 94-93. Unfortunately, allegations and
gossip reported that there were more votes than voters. The disorder which
followed suggested that the party would be forever split between more liberal
vs. more conservative factions. More particularly, the one vote which divided
Dan Harrop and Mark Smiley was sinking all the more under overblown media claims
of voter fraud and just plain bad counting. Frankly, the Rhode Island press
needs to press for the best if a viable two-party tussle, and a lasting state,
is going to resurge in New England. Not just for John Chafee, but for founder Roger
Williams (who would be a Republican today, and a persecuted minority in his own
state, too?)

Notwithstanding the hype, and cutting through the calamari,
Rhode Island Republican Assembly leader Raymond McKay remained steadfast, an open advocate for his state.
McKay should be commended for following Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Procedure
to sort out the claimed discrepancies about who voted, how many, and the issues
which called the vote valid or invalid. Furthermore, his RI Future comments repudiating hollow allegations of bigotry have not
received their proper respect. The GOP is not a minority party which disdains
minorities, but a formerly-confused association which has weathered the latest
storm to come out stronger. They will not remain a minority for long.

Most importantly, the grace and candor of Smiley
and Harrop have sown the seeds of concord much needed in the RI GOP, and every
voter should elect the same Republican virtues to serve in the GA. Harrop declined to challenge the one-vote majority which
elected Mark Smiley. All power to Harrop as he runs for Mayor of Providence.
His good will is inspiring. Every Republican, whether he or she voted for him
or not, should give Harrop a standing ovation for standing up for his state and
the party, rather than grandstanding for his own political ambitions.

is the new RI GOP Chairman, and he
has plans

. He stated time and again that a
"pro-business" message is crucial. Despite the snide asides of
Channel 12 reporters, the Democratic Party has not advanced the pro-business
agenda much needed in Rhode Island. Brian Newberry outlined a plan to bring the
sales tax to zero. Mark Smiley pointed out that West Virginia was a one-party
Democratic state turning red, and New Hampshire provides clear policies which
can work in Rhode Island.

Harrop wants to raise more money. And he already
has. Rhode Island Center for Freedom Prosperity has raised significant sums for
the conservative cause. Joining his finances with Smiley's gains in grassroots
is just the combination that the Republican Party needs. Messaging is key, and
both candidates acknowledged this, too.

Mark Smiley has said it, and now the RI GOP can do
it: Agree on one singular message, and get the message out. Pro-business, lower
taxes, standard small governments: all Republican traits. Show that it's
personal. The tax structure needs to change. Explain the huge cost of living in
Rhode Island, and reverse it. 0.0% sales tax sounds good, and how about
revising the outrageous car tax.

Smiley's stance on gay marriage reflects the same
care and concern which Republicans across the country face. "At first, I
was fine with gay marriage", signaling the tolerance is the virtue which
defines Republicans. The alarming trends that have assaulted the Catholic
Church, including the homosexual agenda in public elementary schools, is
alarming, and voters must demand clear protections and provisions on “gay
marriage”. This issue should remain as local and private as possible. Rhode
Island should lead on this, and provide an example for other states.

The storm is over. The Ocean State has a
Republican Party unified in leadership and unifying its message. Now they need
to undo one-party rule.

Congratulations, RI GOP — Now get out there and

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