"The measure includes an extension of a payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits, as well as money to help local governments keep teachers and other workers on the job." — News Analysis
Payroll tax cuts are a good move. Every American is taking home less money and less wealth as businesses close, move over seas, and as the Federal Reserve continues to print fiat money in wave, causing a tsunami of inflation to batter this already battered nation's economy.
An extension of unemployment benefits is an extension of unemployment, and an extension of inflation. Even with all the "free money" handed out to citizens in need, the sudden surge is just another crest of inflation eroding the purchasing power of struggling Americans. Plus the erosion of acceptance and initiative needed for the unemployed to strike out and take whatever work is available.
Money to salvage public workers is one more sop to the dying public unions, already stripped of bargaining rights in Wisconsin, losing power in the Rust Belt, and forced to compromise and contribute more toward their retirement and benefits. Another public employee stimulus will soak the economy with more fake money, providing a short-term reprieve that does not stave off the economic Armageddon striking bankrupt capitols across the country.
Let the workers keep as much of their own money as possible. Stop giving them money that does not exist, and stop demanding that job creators invest money which they will not receive a return on.