Churches are meant to teach people about Jesus Christ.

Yet one Billboard magnificently posed and promoted in the middle of the Harbor Gateway declares:

"Looking for Truth?"

Then quotes at the bottom:

"Ye shall know the truth, and the Truth shall set you free." (John 8: 32)

Right next to these two statements, taking up one third of the entire billboard was the pastor of this church.

Is this man the truth? Does this man claim to be the source and direction of the truth? That can never be the case, certainly, but a growing number of churches seem to be committed to treating the pastor as if he has the answers, as if he has the knowledge, and congregants had better get in line and listen to him, or else.

I was saddened when one of the congregants at this church told me that the pastor has to take his time with the congregation because they do not understand things as quickly as he does. The assumption appeared to be that the people in the pews were few and far between when it comes to having a thorough knowledge of God and His Word.

I do not believe that there is any merit in treating members of a church like dumb animals, as if they do not possess the requisite skills to pick up a Bible and see Jesus, His grace trumping law and triumphing over evil, and to see the love that God has for us and that He wants to work through us.

I think that more pastors and teachers need to spend as much time as possible making crystal clear what Jesus did at that Cross. It simply is not getting enough press, a notion of salvation which is woefully too small, one that is piece-meal instead of invested with the riches of the table set before us in the presence of our defeated enemies.

Truth is not a "something", but a person, Jesus Christ, seated at the right hand of the Father, who in glory rules over His Kingdom, moving in the lives of His body, we the Church! Let us not shy away from the Truth: Christ and Him Crucified! The more that we know Him, the more that we are set free!

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." (John 8: 36)

This is the verse that should be on that billboard!

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