Colorado MassResistance forces school administrators to reveal hidden middle school sex-ed curriculum to community

Graphic and psychologically intrusive to kids

School officials wanted to charge us $120 for the public documents, but we finally got them for free

February 23, 2021
"ALT Our Colorado MassResistance leader, Cathy, tells the District 49 school board that they need to obey the law and release public documents.

MassResistance has been helping parents face the relatively unhidden onslaught of “comprehensive sex ed” being pushed in their schools, openly brought in by leftist school boards and school administrators across the country.

But there’s another battle going on in school districts where the elected school boards do not buy into the comprehensive sex-ed agenda. Left-wing school administrators are determined to push their radical agendas. So they begin presenting explicit sex-ed materials (and other objectionable material) to younger students without any formal (or public) review. Parents and even school board members are purposefully kept in the dark about exactly what’s happening. Parents only find out bits and pieces of it by accident. The radical administrators believe that time and momentum is on their side – and they will eventually be able to openly make it a part of the curriculum.

When this sort of scheme happens, it needs to be exposed and publicly confronted immediately. But because of the deceptions, parents are at an even bigger disadvantage than usual. This is a battle that the Colorado chapter of MassResistance recently successfully took on!


Colorado School District 49 is a conservative area that includes eastern Colorado Springs and parts of the surrounding county. It is also where Cathy, our Colorado MassResistance leader, lives.


Parents of middle school children throughout the district had been upset and concerned about what they were hearing from their kids about the sex-ed classes. But the materials and curriculum was not being made available by the schools. All kinds of excuses were being used.

So last November, Cathy and the Colorado MassResistance team filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the middle schoolsex-ed materials – and also any Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, or 1619 Project materials being used.

The school district replied that they did not have any Black Lives Matter or related material in any of their curricula. But they clearly did not want to release the sex-ed materials.  They insisted on a $120 fee to obtain copies of all the records, including the labor costs (four hours), to search for them and redact any personal information. But MassResistance insisted on paying nothing. Across the country, we've never had to pay a school district for that information.

For a number of weeks, the school district stonewalled. More than a month went by. Cathy filed the FOIA again and even offered to come in and make the photocopies herself. But they never even replied to that.

Our New Jersey Chapter leader, Abraham, offered to assist Cathy. He has works with municipal law attorneys who often file lawsuits against derelict or recalcitrant school districts which refuse to comply with FOIA requests from the public. She got advice from him to help her move forward.

In Colorado, school boards must approve all school curricula, and there are also state guidelines. So there was a “sex-ed” curriculum outline for middle school students. But what is actually taught could easily go far beyond the vague set of goals set in the curriculum.

Taking it to the school board

At the next school board meeting, on January 14, 2021, Cathy spoke out boldly and asked the school board for help because she was facing considerable opposition obtaining public records. "They are supposed to be public, are they not?" she asked them. "Why can’t the public have access to the sex-ed curriculum?"

"ALT The District 49 School Board listens to Cathy.

Surprisingly, members of the school board also wondered why she was not getting the documents that she requested. They directed the administration to help her deal with the FOIA request. One of the school board members observed that many parents were probably curious about this, and even suggested that it be posted on the website.

One board member went even further. He said that the board should conduct a review of the “access path” for people who have an interest in what the schools are teaching. He told the other members:

It seems like a very legitimate public interest request that should be transparent and easy to do on a website. If it’s not that way, why isn’t it? And what can be done to make it that way? I know that the public has concerns about what’s being taught in our s chools. Perhaps this could be an agenda item for a future meeting.

A few weeks after that school board meeting – and with a little more prodding from MassResistance – the school administration finally relented and gave her the information she requested … at no cost!

Fairly shocking – for middle school kids

We can see why the school administrators were hesitant to release the middle school sex ed materials. For kids who are 9-12 years old, it’s pretty intense and graphic. It’s probably factually correct. But it’s not “age appropriate” at all. The “factual information” would be way over their heads.

"ALT Is this what you would want your kids to be taught in middle school?
"ALT Do middle school children even understand this?
"ALT This seems pretty graphic for middle school children.
"ALT These are the options that they're telling middle school students about.

But far worse, like so much that the radical Left does to children, the graphic content appears meant to purposefully break down kids’natural modesty regarding sexual topics that they have at that age. It’s ideologically driven. How this affects children psychologically, the teachers simply don’t care.

Colorado MassResistance will make sure that this is presented to the public – and they can decide if this is what they really want their school board to push on middle school children.

Final reflection

Conservative school districts across the country are extremely vulnerable to this kind of infiltration from the radical Left. The next step is often the creation of phony (but well-funded) “astro-turf” local left-wing groups to intimidate school board members and parents who disagree with these programs once they’re in the schools.  We’ve seen similar districts in other places where that has happened.

Thus, MassResistance works to step in and help parents and normal-thinking school board members stop this problem before it gets out of control. It looks like we’re on the road to success in Colorado School District 49!

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