The local city news service and the local papers followed up on the flimsy narrative that a bunch of violent extreme right wing protesters were going to rumble outside of Maxine Waters' district office in South Los Angeles.

To protect their beloved queen, a bunch of Black Panther types and race hustlers showed up to send a message of "back off."

The truth is the opposite. Maxine Waters has been stirring up strife and hatred against Trump, his cabinet, and his supporters across the country. The Oathkeepers wanted to host ongoing protests outside of her office.

Then a bunch of Waters's thugs showed up so that they could scare off peace-loving citizens from exercising their First Amendment Rights.

Here's the City News Service Report:

The Oath Keepers, a far right militia known for carrying military-grade
weapons, had threatened to protest in Los Angeles.

"Threatened" to protest. Huh?

Why would it be considered a threat? Since when was exercise of the First Amendment considered a form of threat?

LOS ANGELES, CA — Dozens of supporters of Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los
Angeles, gathered outside her district office Thursday to counter an
anticipated protest by the far-right militia group known as the Oath Keepers,
which never showed up.

The report neglects to mention their weapons, including bats and pipes.

Here's a picture for anyone who wants proof:

The guy circled in yellow is carrying a bat.

The Oath Keepers had issued a "call to action" to its
members, urging them to protest outside Waters' office at 10124 S. Broadway at
1 p.m. The group called the action "both a protest against Maxine Waters'
incitement of terrorism and a stand for ICE (Immigration and Customs
Enforcement) and the Border Patrol, as they enforce the perfectly
constitutional immigration and naturalization laws of this nation."
The group criticized Waters' recent comments in which she encouraged
her supporters to confront members of the Trump administration if they are seen
in public, such as in restaurants or department stores.

Once again, let's have some truth in reporting. Who is the one advocating for violence? Waters!
Early Thursday afternoon, however, police told reporters at the scene
that the Oath Keepers had agreed to cancel its protest amid concerns about
possible clashes with Waters supporters.

Notice that the Oathkeepers were the peacekeepers.

So are the members of Los Angeles County for Trump:

Arthur Schaper, a member of LA County for Trump, said he was planning
to take part in the protest alongside the Oath Keepers and other groups, but
police told them to stay away given the number of counter-protesters who had
amassed outside Waters' office.

He said he "received reports that `opposition' had arrived with
pipes and bats threatening violence. One of the police officers at the local
LAPD substation advised us not to attend for our safety and the safety of the
police officers."

I do appreciate that the city news service agents report what I saw with some accuracy. They don't live too much out from press releases and media advisories issued by me.
Media footage from the scene showed some counter-protesters confronting
two men who drove through the area in a pickup truck waving an American flag.
The flag was taken away from the men, who drove off. Later footage showed a
small group of people burning the flag and dancing around it in a circle.

Well at least they reported this violent act, too:

After learning of the planned protest, Waters issued a statement
Wednesday urging her supporters "not to be baited into confronting the
Oath Keepers with any demonstrations in opposition." She said such a
confrontation "would only exacerbate tensions and increase the potential
for conflict."

Liar. She was hoping for a fight. She instigated the violence early on.
According to its website, the Oath Keepers bills itself as a "non-
partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police and
first- responders." The group's members have been known to show up at
protests and rallies across the country, often carrying military-grade weapons.

Not sure why that's an issue, especially in the face of such violence, as pictured above. Trump supporters have faced unprecedented levels of threats, violence, and attacks.

In the group's call to protest at Waters' office, its organizers warned
participants to "refrain from making any statements that can be construed
as threats, or construed as racially motivated, lest they accuse us of what
their own side has already done. And for those who will be on the sidewalk with
us, please be sure you keep your cool and stay calm, collected and professional
in your dealings with the public and any counter-protesters who may show
In her statement, Waters said the Oath Keepers "would like nothing
more than to inflame racial tensions and create an explosive conflict in our

Final Reflection

LA County for Trump has never been violent or difficult. We have sought to ensure legal means of protest for each side of an issue. Not once have we ever sought to engage people violently, whichever side of the political divide they may stand on.

I have endured threats, violence, and theft of my own property.

Where does anyone get the idea that Trump supporters are the thugs and the hatemongers?

The violence lies with the left. Always has, always will be. Let's make sure to set the record straight, at the very least.

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