NJ Gov. Chris Christie

Whether out of personal commitment, political gain, or
principled opposition, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie did the right thing
when he vetoed the Democratic designed and promoted gun-control bill
Just as guns do not kill people, nor do the bullets, and limiting the size of
ammunition magazines would have at best a cosmetic effect on preventing gun

Despite the unspeakable tragedies which parents and
communities (Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut; Aurora,
Colorado) have faced following gun-related mass murders, reason and purpose
must triumph over emotion and intuition regarding the proper methods for
curbing mass violence.

In California, following the devastating massacre from a
mentally deranged college student at the University of California, Santa
Barbara, the calls for legislating away firearms fired off again. However,
wiser minds prevailed in the discussion, who indicated that the mental status
of the young assailant, who ended up killing six people (three by stabbing and
three more by shooting) had a history of violent mental illness. College
leadership with more discretion, as well as more engaged psychiatric
facilitation may have prevented the senseless deaths in Santa Barbara,

By rejecting the New Jersey Democratic legislature’s “easy
way out”, Gov. Christie correctly argued that our state governments require
more authority to institutionalize individuals who pose a danger to themselves
and to others. Hopefully, his example will inspire leaders and  lawmakers throughout the country  to focus less on controlling the guns and
more on dealing with the mentally ill who perpetrate violent crimes.
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