Governor Christie should be commended then as well as now
for refusing to authorize health insurance exchanges in New Jersey following
the disastrous Affordable Car Act (ObamaCare) legislation, even if the Supreme
Court ruled that the Individual Mandate – in reality, a tax! – is constitutional.

Governor Christie made the right move declaring that he
would not sign or veto the legislation until after the November 6th
Election. The polls are pulling for a Romney upset, with repeal of ObamaCare
sure to follow.

Frankly, whether Romney gets elected or Romney gets
reelected, I believe that every Governor in the state should resist establishing
health insurance exchanges. The Louisiana and Texas Governors have already signaled
their opposition to these exchanges. Christie is an unofficial dean of the GOP
Republican governors.  Now more than
ever, Christie can lead the states’-rights charge against ObamaCare, which
forces the states to violate the privacy of individual citizens and compromises
the sovereignty and integrity of the states.

Imagine the battle royal that would explode across the
country if all the governors stood up and refused to implement ObamaCare, a
government overreach which robs Medicare, threatens already financially
strapped hospitals, and based on a recent interpretation of the IRS, will
actually exclude family members if the primary bread-winner gets their health
coverage from the employer.
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