Over the past few months, New Jersey Governor Christie has
been in the national media spotlight because of his divisive remarks about gun
control, his dissension within the ranks of the national Republican Party, and his
non-invite to the 2013 CPAC colloquium. Unfortunately, his efforts on behalf of
reforming public education in New Jersey have not gotten the press that they

In March 2013, he addressed serious questions about a
proposed voucher program — Opportunity Scholarship Act — in Paterson.
Contrary to media commentaries, which suggested that a heated, over-blown
shouting match dominated the town hall meeting,  Christie laid out the principal principles for
enacting a voucher program and permitting inner-city children to enroll in
another school.

Most parents seek homes outside of the inner cities just to
find a better school for their kids. Poor parents do not have that luxury. While
one participant kept shouting “Fix our public schools!”, Governor Christie
advanced the proper response. It’s not about more money, but more opportunity.
Instead of forcing urban students to suffer in silence, waiting for their
schools to improve, they should have the opportunity to go to another, better
performing school.

Governor Christie was right to dismiss the hollow indictment
that vouchers would “destroy public education”. Research from the Santa Monica
based Rand Corporation has refuted the argument that more money will make
better schools, whiles studies from Stanford University have confirmed that
state-wide vouchers and school choice create a better educational environment for
everyone, suburban or urban.
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