This article did not get the proper attention it should have received.

This is outrageous.

Transgenderism is a disorder, gender dysphoria, as it is better referred.

Kids should not be taught unsound, unhealthy practices.

They should not despise the parts they are born with.

They need to learn the truth about who they are, based on proper conformity with the natural features of their DNA, primary and secondary characteristics.

This article from June 11 was offensive and disheartening:

For most American girls, the color pink is a birthright, wrapped around
them the moment their little lungs gulp their first breaths. Their nurseries
are drenched in it; their wardrobes homogenized.
But for Ally, a transgender 9-year-old who was born a boy but
identifies as a girl, it wasn’t so easy.

Why are these parents allowing their child to decide his identity?
“In kindergarten, she was getting questions about why she was wearing
pink so much or why her shoes were sparkly,” said her mother, Stacy Drageset,
46, who works as a marketing director on the Westside of Los Angeles. “We would
just tell her, ‘These are your at-home clothes and these are your school
clothes.’ … We wanted to shield her from the bullying and teasing that we
thought she might experience.”
"We wanted to shield her …" WHAT?!
How about they are more interested in shielding this child from reality!
It was that color war — a child’s worries over pink — that inspired
Stacy and her husband, Erik Drageset, 46, to do what they could to raise
awareness about gender issues. They created a children’s book, “ ‘Pink is a
Girl Color’ … And Other Silly Things People Say,” that tackles gender
stereotypes in a way young kids can understand. The book was self-published and
designed for kids ages 3 to 8.

These adults are acting like children themselves.
Do they really think that they are doing their son any good by allowing him to embrace this delusion?
Shame on them!
Their goal was to provoke questions: Are toy trucks designed for boys?
Are dolls for girls? Why are there girl clothes and boy clothes?
“This book is not about being gender nonconforming,” said Stacy, who
will be reading from the book Saturday at Pages bookstore in Manhattan Beach.
“It’s really to help dispel gender stereotypes that exist and to encourage kids
to be who they are and to seek out activities that they like, regardless.”

How can kids be who they are without direction? Without assistance? Without a proper regard for fixed realities?
As for Ally, which is not her real name, she plays club volleyball and
likes to cook. She loves Beanie Boos, stuffed animals and her three dogs. She’s
got two big sisters and a little brother who adore her.
But her blue eyes dart down quickly, long blond bangs wisping over her
face, when she talks about what she calls, “the transgender thing.”
“My friends have stood up for me a couple of times when people said,
‘You’re a boy, not a girl.’ ” she said, saddling up to her mom. “They helped

Telling people the truth is not bullying. Shaming people into silence for telling the truth — now THAT is bullying.
These parents are engaging in unthinkable abusive behaviors.
So far so good. Ally’s friends, classmates, family and teachers have,
for the most part, been supportive. There was one mean note — stuffed
anonymously into her backpack at the beginning of the school year — but she
hasn’t had to suffer the sort of discrimination that her parents worry will
eventually catch up to her.

Discrimination! Oh poor baby!
It’s those tomorrows that keep Erik and Stacy up at night.
“It’s that feeling as a parent that you’re not going to be alive long
enough to help her through everything she is going to go through,” Stacy said,
her otherwise breezy demeanor turning tearful at the thought. “We thought,
‘What can we do now that might affect her growing up and make her life easier?’

The whole point of maturation is that boys and girls become men and women who do not need to be helped through … anything.
They need to learn that they can and need to learn, and do so without Mommy and Daddy standing by at every moment.
There are an estimated 700,000 transgender people in the United States
— about 0.3 percent of the total U.S. population. And, according to a National
Center for Transgender Equality survey, 41 percent of them have attempted
suicide at least once.
There are no transgendered people. There are men and women who hare confused about their identity, enabled into embracing these unsound delusions.
Nothing more.
For kids like Ally — those who have openly expressed their transgender
identity or gender nonconformity while in grades K-12 — 78 percent have
reported harassment, 35 percent have experienced physical assault, and
12 percent have endured sexual violence.

Violence is wrong. Period.
“We want to make it so this generation grows up and doesn’t even know
about gender stereotypes,” Stacy said. “This (book) is our way.”
Ally was a toddler when her parents started to notice: Their little boy
liked to play dress-up. He gravitated toward girls. He played “Mommy.”

There is nothing wrong with kids' engaging in dress-up.
Ally is still a boy.
Notice the boyish traits in the above photo!
(Credit: The Daily Breeze)
Nothing at all, but parents need to ensure that their children love and accept the gender–the biological traits–they were born with.
They didn’t think much of it at first.
“Of course, you think, ‘Oh, how cute. He is going through that phase,’
” Stacy said. “But what they say is that if that behavior becomes consistent,
insistent and persistent over a long period of time, then you may be looking at
a child who will either be transgender or gender nonconforming.”

Since when did any of this nonsense become an item of discussion in the first place
Stacy remembers the moment she realized her (then) son wasn’t just
going through a phase. He was 4, and she was cuddling him in her arms, telling
him about when he was in her belly, and how excited she was when the doctor
told her that he was a boy.

So for the record, let us recognize that the parents were happy to bring a male into the world.
The parents are not going through their own sick delusion, trying to turn their boy into a girl because they had wanted a girl.
“After I said the boy thing, I sensed her demeanor change and her lip
was curled and little tears started to form. I was like, ‘What did I say?’ And
she said, ‘I wanted to be a girl one, Mama.’ And my heart just sank. And I
said, ‘No matter what, you can be whomever you want to be. It doesn’t matter
what parts you have where.

The mother was right. The mother and father should had stood firm on the truth, regardless of the psychotic fallacies trotting around.
“We didn’t slap a label on her,” she continued. “She feels like she is
a transgender girl because she feels like she is a girl who happened to be born
biologically a boy. That’s her telling us that.”
No. He's just confused, as kids tend to be. You, Mom and Dad, needed to set her on a proper course to know the truth!

After that, Stacy and Erik started to let her express herself more. She
started to wear more pink. More purple. More clothing that was stereotypically

For all their talk about challenging gender stereotypes, they sure love to affirm them!
There were questions, of course. But her parents taught her how to
answer them — “If people ask why you’re wearing pink, you just say, ‘Because I
like it,’ ” Stacy said.
Then, at the beginning of third grade, Ally chose to present as a girl
— even in school.

Shame on the parents for allow their son to act like that. SHAME ON THEM!
“For the longest time, she wore only dresses and skirts, sort of to
make her statement that, ‘I am a girl,’ ” Stacy said. “Then the moment she
realized she could just be, that it was cool — ‘Yes, you’re a girl’ — it was
back to leggings and shorts and tomboy-type clothes.”

If acceptance is the message, then the parents need to teacher their son–yes, SON!–that he is a boy, and there is nothing wrong with that.
They need to start asking other questions, like why does he want to be a girl. What do girls do or have that boys seemingly do not have?
What does their son believe he is missing out on because he is not female?
Earlier this year, Erik read the book to Ally’s entire elementary
school, class by class. The kids were receptive. They asked questions; they
shared their feelings.
“Their responses were so authentic,” said Erik, a video game artist who
drew all the pictures for the book. “Some of the boys were like, ‘Oh, I play
with dolls at home.’ ”
According to Judy Chiasson, coordinator at the Office of Human
Relations, Diversity and Equity for Los Angeles Unified School District, the
book has a message for everyone. Chiasson gave the go-ahead for the Dragesets
to read the book at the school, though she stressed that it didn’t need
official “approval.”
“The message is one of acceptance — of accepting one’s self and
accepting each other,” Chiasson said. “Those messages are universal. … We
certainly don’t want our children to grow up hating themselves or others.”
LAUSD has had policies in place to protect transgender students for
11 years, and Chiasson herself has been instrumental in implementing those
policies, including the controversial law that allows transgender students to
use the restroom representing the gender in which they identify.

How about a policy protecting students from these craven disturbed adults who are declaring war on reality?
And despite one parent’s alleged concerns that the Dragesets might be
“pushing an agenda,” Chiasson said book itself is a nonissue.
“We want our libraries to be full of stories about people unlike us, so
we can grow,” Chiasson said. “There was nothing controversial about this book.
That’s why we are a literate society. Everybody should be able to find a book
that calls to them, that makes them wonder.”

How about a health discussion about gender? Sexuality? Life, marriage too?
How about reading the account of Walt Heyer, who endured terrible pain following a childhood marred by sexual abuse?
He thought his problem was his gender. The truth was the transgenderism he entertained was a comfort measure flowing from destructive behaviors from his parents and grandparents!
What does Ally think? She’s quick to answer:
“I think (the book) is important because it helps people understand the
meaning of transgender,” she said. “And that there aren’t boy toys or girl
toys. It’s just toys.”

I have a better idea.
How about teaching people the true boundaries which define gender, and stop seducing young people with lies!
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