This news is beyond incredible.
Paul Chabot, conservative Republican running for Congress in the San Bernardino/Redlands area, has  emerged from a bruising primarym fighting off four Democrats, and came in second place.
Big name Republicans were backing another Republican–Sean Flynn–who turned out to be another Democrat and a total plant to skew the vote and resources away from Chabot.
Agui-LIAR has resorted to the same dirty Democratic tricks, and has alienated Democrats and Republicans with his self-serving votes.
By the way, I had lots of fun trolling him with my fellow members of We the People Rising
My breakfast with Petie
Even Charles Johnson was caught up in the dissimulation, if you will, and was attacking Chabot for … being an expert on key issues relating to national security.
This just in–Chabot is already running even with the Democratic challenger in the Top Two general election!

Paul Chabot for Congress
Ryan Hall – Spokesperson
Tel: (949) 375-6688
John S. Thomas – Chief Strategist
Tel: (818) 396-6578


Shows 43% – 43% with Chabot having edge
with DTS Voters
SAN BERNARDINO – June 17, 2016 – Today,
the Chabot for Congress campaign released a new poll showing the race for CA-31
in a dead heat at 43% to 43% with 14% undecided. The poll also shows terrorism
being one of the top issues of concern to voters. San Bernardino is the largest
city in this district. Chabot is a counter terrorism military officer with
enterprise in the area of fighting ISIS and terrorism. In 2014 Chabot faced
Democrat Pete Aguilar and narrowly lost despite being outspent 11 to 1. This
upcoming matchup appears to be just as close with a slight edge to Chabot.
Pollster Titus Bond with Remington
Research said, "Data show California's 31st Congressional District is
extremely competitive. The key data showing this is a Republican pickup
opportunity is that non-partisan or decline to state voters favor Chabot over
Aguilar by eight points."
Chabot's Chief Strategist John Thomas
stated, "It is no surprise this race is neck and neck. Voters are looking
for an alternative to Pete Aguilar. They are frustrated that he's failed to
destroy ISIS and bring good jobs to the region."

The issue is national security. Agui-LIAR wants to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. Chabot wants to take guns away from terrorists. The difference is crystal clear.
"Paul Chabot not only knows what
it takes to fight terror, he's done it in Iraq. With resources, Chabot wins in
November," continued Thomas.
The polling memo and tabs are attached.
Memo (click to view)
Tabs (click to view) 

Survey was conducted by Remington
Research with a sample of 1091 likely General Election voters with a margin of
error of +/- 3% with a 95% confidence level.

San Bernardino has the chance to take back their power and send to Washington a strong pro-life, pro-family warrior who will work with national security advisors to protect our rights, secure the borders, and safeguard the rights of the states and the people to protect and prosper themselves once again.

Go Chabot Go!
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