The city of Los Alamitos on Monday night approved an ordinance to opt
out of California’s controversial “sanctuary state” law, in the boldest act of
defiance yet by a municipality against Sacramento.

I was there! It was a historic night. I was so glad to be there.
“It is impossible to comply with both the Constitution of the United
States and the Constitution of the State of California,” a Los Alamitos city
agenda report spearheaded by councilman Warren Kusumoto reads. “In this
situation, my belief is that the Constitution of the United States has
precedence over the Constitution of the State of California.”
The conflict between two competing laws,
Los Alamitos officials voted 4 to 1 to approve the ordinance. However,
it will not be officially voted on until April 16.

There has to be a second reading for every ordinance in a California municipality.
“We are declaring sanctuary from California’s sanctuary law,” Kusumoto,
who introduced the legislation, told Neil Cavuto on Fox News ahead of the vote.

I love that statement. I would submit that statement to every other city council in the state. It's time to declare sanctuary from the lawlessness
The proposal was met with much controversy, as Monday’s meeting saw a
line of residents out the door to try and get in. It was divided between
supporters of President Trump and a hardline immigration agenda and others
aligned with immigration rights activists, expressing their outrage at the
I took offense at the "hardline" label. I have walls around my home and I lock my door at night. The fact that I don't want anyone breaking into my home is not a hard-line stance. It's a reasonable expectation.

Dozens took to the podium to address the council in support and
opposition against the move.

Notice how CalWatchdog wants to make it look as though the opponents of the ordinance out-numbered the proponents. I think that is unfair. Lots of people i the city and outside of the city spoke out against sanctuary jurisdiction laws.
We need more media outlets to respect the interests and the concerns of American citizens.
“Keep the pressure up & urge the Los Alamitos City Council to do
the right thing. Call, email, attend meetings, rally – your activism is need
now more than ever,” the ACLU of Southern California swiftly tweeted following
the evening meeting.

Check out how the American (Un)Civil Liberties Union spends more time undermining the very country which they identify with. This is beyond shameful. Someone need to defund the ACLU. They are turning into a torturous, anti-American institution.
Supporters of the measure argue that the California law is
unconstitutional because it subverts federal law in violation of the U.S.
Constitution’s supremacy clause.

Yes, it does.
Now, a small Orange County city of around 12,000 residents finds itself
at the center of a larger conversation about immigration policies in not just
the Golden State – but across the U.S.

The city councilmembers did not find themselves anywhere. City leaders chose to take on this issue, and more cities need to do the same,
Under Senate Bill 54, passed late last year, local law enforcement is
prohibited from inquiring as to a person’s immigration status, detaining
suspected illegal immigrants for ICE, and from acting as federal immigration

This is a fraud. The law prevents local law enforcement from cooperating with ICE. Local law enforcement has a responsibility work with the federal government
Conservatives and many law enforcement groups argue that “sanctuaries”
provide a safe haven for violent criminal aliens, while liberals and
immigration activists argue such jurisdictions encourage undocumented aliens to
cooperate with police without fear of deportation.

No, there is no encouragement with law enforcement and "innocent" illegal aliens. There is no such thing as law-abiding illegal alien. Illegal means "illegal." The SB 54 conflict is not even about immigration, but the rule of law.
Either we recognize legal and illegal as clear distinctions, or we do not. Just as there is a difference between real driving and drunk driving, so to there is a difference between borrowing and stealing, as well as illegal entry and a welcome entrance.
This is not complicated, and no one should have to fear for their lives or their livelihood because of an intractable conflict between federal and state law.
Earlier this month, the Justice Department filed a lawsuit against
California over its defiance of federal immigration enforcement efforts,
intensifying the battle between Washington and the state, which has centered
itself as the flashpoint in fights over the Trump agenda.
But with its actions on Monday, Los Alamitos appears to be positioning
itself as the “resistance” to the “resistance.”

Yes! I love that phrase: the resistance to the resistance! In fact, I would submit that Trump supporters, conservatives, constitutionalists, patriots of all backgrounds are the true Resistance, since the communistic element of the Democratic Party is more aligned with the Nazi Party.

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