Call to Action: Tell Texas Governor and
Lieutenant Governor to Ban Sex Mutilation of Children

SB 1311 and SB 1646 will ban transgender
treatments on minors in TEXAS. These procedures include puberty blockers which
stop puberty and wrong-sex hormones that cause secondary sexual characteristics
to develop in the child (e.g. Facial hair, deep voice for a girl, breast
development for a boy).  Additionally, it will ban several surgeries that
mutilate or amputate the healthy organs of minors.  Girls as young as 14
are having their breasts amputated in gender clinics in Texas as confirmed by
activist Tracy Shannon and Gender Mapper volunteer, Lynn Meagher in this

For specifics

SB 1311 will prevent insurance coverage and
deny liability insurance for doctors who practice sex mutilation surgeries on
minors. The bill would also revoke medical licenses for doctors who practice
these procedures.

SB 1646 will expand the definition of child abuse
to include all the sex mutilation procedures associated with attempting to
transition children.

Our youth are being targeted with gender
ideology. More and more children are presenting to gender clinics because
someone online or in public schools has confused them into thinking they may be

Communities of color are specifically being
targeted by LGBTQ activists. Programs such as Drag Queen Story Hour is
receiving grants to expand their gender confusing program to children in
communities of color.

We oppose the indoctrination of youth with the
harmful gender ideology and support SB 1311 and SB 1646 which will ban these
life-altering and irreversible treatments for minors in Texas.

We respectfully ask that SB 1311 and SB 1646 be
scheduled for a vote in the State Senate.  The time to protect Texas youth
is now.

(Make sure to tell them to support HB 1399 (no sex mulilation surgeries on minors), too!)

Please Contact:

Governor Greg Abbot:

Office of the Texas Governor

P.O. Box 12428

Austin Texas 78711

(512) 463-2000


Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who is the
head of the State Senate:

The Texas Lieutenant Governor Message Line:
(512) 463-5342

The Texas Lieutenant Governor Office Line:
(512) 463-0001


Mailing Address:

Office of the Lieutenant Governor

P.O. Box 12068, Austin, Texas 78711

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