
I went to Congresswoman Julia Brownley's (D-Ventura) office early this morning. The reception that I received from her staffers was terrible. I told them that I was opposed to all forms of amnesty. I also opposed DACA and I don't want those young illegals getting any Andis T. I want them deported.
Then one of the staffers came up to me. Her name is Katie Gillen. She was very rude to me. She tried to cut me off and try to rush me out of the office. I said to her I oppose illegal immigration. Katie Gillen then said to me that congresswoman brownley has chosen to support the DACA kids and wants them to have legal status. I was really offended and I asked why.

Right away Gillen ran out of the office and she ran to a capitol police officer down the hallway. It was really clear that she was going to try to make a scene and make it look like I was threatening people. I was not. Within five minutes, five Capitol police officers descended at the office three of them surrounded me. They detained me and tried to get my personal information. They claim that I had said racist things to miss Gillen. I I said No Such Thing. The scheduler for Congresswoman Brownley totally lied to the police. It was very offensive.

Please call Congresswoman Brownley's office right now and let them have it. Tell them that they need to fire Katie Gillen right now. Please also tell them that there should be no amnesty for illegals and DACA should not be continued and those recipient should also be deported.

Congresswoman Julia Brownley

Chief of Staff:
(323) 743-3175

Here's my full report for the the public following what happened to me:

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