Senator Ricardo Lara Alert


Senator Ricardo Lara has introduced a bill that would penalize those involved with constructing the border wall.  The bill is SB 30 California-Mexico border: federally funded infrastructure.

This bill would prohibit the state, commencing January 1, 2018, from awarding or renewing a contract with any person, as defined, that at the time of bid or proposal for a new contract or renewal of an existing contract is providing or has provided goods or services to the federal government for the construction of a federally funded wall, fence, or other barrier along California’s southern border.

CA SENATE APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE – Senator Ricardo Lara is the chair of the committee.

The CA State Senate Senate Appropriations Committee. Let them know that YOU OPPOSE SB 30, Senator Ricardo Lara's bill would end state contracts to any person involved with bidding or  construction of the border wall or border barrier in California. SB 30 is scheduled for a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on Monday, May 15th.

(916) 651-4101


**READ THE BILL SB 30  – click on the link below**

Senator Ricardo Lara's Press Release
Senator Ricardo Lara and Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher Ask Businesses to Take Taxpayers’ Side on Wasteful Border Wall

Senator Ricardo Lara 
(916) 651-4033



File Photo – Advocates for U.S. Citizens @ Senator Ricardo Lara Gospel Brunch

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