The regressive
Left never stops, never rests, never sleeps. Target Corporation has joined
their ranks, insisting on removing all distinctions of male and female,
especially for the children’s clothes and toys.
First, the Left demanded abortion on demand. Then
they wanted same-sex unions. They promised that civil “right” would suffice.
Then homosexual marriage became a necessity, since it’s not
“fair” to discriminate against gay people in the matter of marriage.
And now transgenderism has become a new identity–rather than
being recognized as the moral and mental disorder.
Does this rapid dissolution of wickedness in our times
surprise you? It shouldn’t.
Recall this scripture:
“He deviseth mischief upon his bed; he setteth himself in a
way that is not good; he abhorreth not evil.” (Psalm 36: 4)
Instead of getting discouraged, be encouraged.
Find comfort in the truth that the wicked which comes will
begin to flee seven ways:
“Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their
beds! when the morning is light, they practice it, because it is in the power
of their hand.” (Micah 2:1)
Let us rest in the truth, and in the evil day stand.
(Ephesians 6: 13)
We have no reason to run, for the battle is the LORD’s (2 Chronicles
20: 15), and He has made us more than conquerors through His Son! (Romans 8:36)
Pro-life, pro-family, pro-Judeo-Christian value activism is
fighting back and making the difference … in uber-liberal California, the land
of spoiled fruits and mixed nuts.
California MassResistance is hitting the streets, not just
the Facebook posts and chat rooms. We have protested in front of local
Target stores in Torrance, telling potential customers to #BoycottTarget until
the corporation reverses its perverse, destructive, and unnatural policy to
allow men into women’s bathrooms and vice versa. It’s already working.
Now we are going to stand our ground before the Target
shareholders and convince (or rather convict) them to stop this trans-insanity.
Their annual meeting takes place in Costa Mesa, CA, about one
hour from where I live. Target investors from all over the world will attend.
They will not just learn about the profit progress of their company, but will
also discuss the vision, the leadership, and the agenda of the company going
forward. They get to vote on the leadership of the company, too. I wonder what
many of them are thinking, now that their stock is tanking, and the company as
lost over $10 billion, with more people affirming that they will never shop
their again?
The inception of MassResistance in California has coalesced
with more than perfect timing. Brian Camenker has fought against these
anti-family perversions from Massachusetts. How could his team impress on
Target, though?
From our local protests to national demonstrations against
the moral corrupt corporation, now we can confront the source of the moral rot
in this company. CA MassResistance will show up in full force at their
shareholders meeting! Pro-family activists from San Diego and beyond
have contacted me, because they want to get involved. Other pro-family groups
are on the way, but most of them might just stand, stare, and cry out
“Why? We will be there to make our case to the shareholders: if you value
your stock, if you want this copy to survive, then fire the
immoral illiberal CEO you have hired, reject the transgender bathroom
policy, respect the blessed distinctions between male and female.
If you live in the Southern California region, or will be
visiting the area, here are the directions and instructions on how to get
there and participate
1. The shareholders’
meeting will take place at:
Wednesday, June 8, 2016, 9:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time

Segerstrom Center for the Arts – Samueli Theater

615 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa, California 92626
2. Since the meeting
starts at 9:00 am, members of our team will be there at 7:30 am in front of the
3. Please have signs
with messages like the following:
“No TransBathroooms”
“Women’s Room for Women Only”
“Stop Trans-agenda”
“Transgenderism is a mental disorder, not a civil right!”
Or anything else you can think of.
Instead of sitting back and watching the culture  wars
go the wrong way, stand up to the corporate frauds, the big government bullies,
and the illiberal labor unions intent on shoving, forcing, stomping their
coercive, perverse agenda.
Now is the time to press on these individual stake-holders:
Stop the #TransBathroom Agenda!
Please contact me at if
you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you there!
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