California is embracing the perverse
LGBT agenda. The infamous openly gay pedophile Harvey Milk has his own state
holiday. Major cities have homosexual “pride” parades.

There are glimmers of pro-family
hope, although not very strong. LGBT pageantries have died down in San
Francisco, a city where only the most well-to-do can afford to live, in the
midst of overwhelming squalor. West Hollywood, once a gay “mecca”, has
discussed removing the six-colored rainbow flag from city hall. Los Angeles is
reeling from crime and corruption on an unprecedented scale, and pro-gay forces
are in conflict about how to celebrate their “pride”.

Nevertheless, the attacks on the
family have taken on an unprecedented surge. The California Republican Party
allowed the pro-gay Log Cabin Republicans to become a chartered group, even
though party by-laws forbid chartering groups with values in conflict with the
state party platform.
Before Massachusetts Governor
Charlie Baker signed legislation to allow men into women’s bathrooms, the
California state legislature had signed off on similar legislation, which would
allow “transgender” students in public schools to use student restrooms and
locker rooms rather than having to change in a separate room entirely.

Pro-family groups throughout the
state fought hard to overturn this law through initiative, but fell
short—twice—to collect the necessary signatures.

The state superintendent has also
signed off on forcing students as early as second grade to learn about the key
figures in LGBT history.

I kid you not. There is nothing gay
about this agenda.

This legislation would effectively
shut down Christian higher education in the state. Christian colleges would
have to scale back the exemptions they claim to specific religious training
only. The schools would also be required to inform prospective students that
they claim the Title IX exemptions.

The legislation has been amended and
changed numerous times, but the concerns about it have not gone away.

Barry Corey, the president of Biola
University, one of the oldest Christian colleges in the state of California,
has issued his latest concerns about this legislation: “We don’t want them to
change who were are.”

This approach is not the strongest.
It does not attack the core issues relating to this agenda, that so much of it
is predicated on lies and distortions, chief of which is that homosexual
behavior and transgenderism are not civil rights, and therefore do not fall
within the confines of Title IX in the first place.

In spite of the tepid response from
most establishment pro-family groups, California MassResistance is taking on a
more direct, confrontational approach. Politicians must feel the heat to see
the light!
On June 29th, a few days before the
state legislature adjourned for summer recess, our team stormed and protested
in front of the bill’s sponsor, the openly gay and hostile State Senator
Ricardo Lara. Staffers were supposed to meet with five members of our team, but
they never showed up.
On the same day, the California
state assembly’s judiciary committee conducted a sham hearing on the bill, and
passed it out to the Appropriations committee, which will review the
legislation during the first week of August.

After the judiciary committee hearing,
California MassResistance members knew that they had their work cut out for

Immediately, call sheets were sent
out to pro-family groups to contact all members of the Assembly appropriations

From there, our team planned
specific visits to confront specific lawmakers, and hold them accountable to
vote against this terrible bill.
Our team visited both Republicans as
well as Democrats.

We visited my Assemblyman David
Hadley’s office in Torrance, California. We pressed state assembly minority leader Chad Mayes (R-Yucca
Valley, Yucaipa).
 Coincidentally enough, concerns about SB1146
were weighing on many of his constituents’ minds.

Then California MassResistance
planned a more extensive lobbying effort on Friday July 22, targeting not just
members of the Appropriations Committee, but individuals in swing districts or
tight races.
The first group spoke with
representatives of Assemblyman Chris Holden (D-Pasadena). He has normally voted
more liberal on key issues, but constituents have also noted that he attends a
local church, and faces a challenger for his seat.

Another group headed to Assembly
Majority Whip Miguel Santiago’s office in Los Angeles. He had cancelled the
meeting with constituents the night before! Shame on him! He faces a strong
challenger who is taking no special interest money!

Two other teams went to the offices
Assemblyman Tom Daly (D-Anaheim) and Patrick O’Donnell (D-Long Beach).

The greatest demonstration occurred at
Assemblyman O’Donnell’s office, where at least fifty people arrived in front of
the building, and five of us went in to speak with O’Donnell’s Communications

For the next thirty minutes, parents
and grandparents from Christian college alumni outlined their opposition to SB
1146. One pastor explained how churches and Christian schools were offering
services to the community, while Senator Ricardo Lara was only interested in
limiting their freedom of speech and outreach.

Reporters from local radio stations
also interviewed us! Two other news outlets interview me in connection with
California MassResistance: NBC News

Last week, our team overran State
Senator Ricardo Lara’s office again, and we gave his staffers an earful!

Locally officials are also sounding
the alarm, and one of those officials is located in Senator Lara’s own
district. Cudahy city councilman Jack Guerrero submitted a discussion item to
the July 25th Cudahy City Council agenda, and will revisit the issue on August
8th. He gave a passionate defense of the First Amendment and religious liberty,
but neither of his remaining couples would even second his motion. La Mirada
City Councilman Andrew Sarega has initiated a letter in opposition to this

With one week left before the
deadline in the Appropriations Committed, California MassResistance will
continue to fight until SB 1146 is dead and gone. The momentum is growing, and
we are seeing marked success! If you live in California, please contact me. We
need your help to put pressure on all Sacramento lawmakers to stop this bad,
bad bill!
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