California MassResistance had eight people confront State Senator Tony Mendoza on Monday.

Three members of that team then met with Majority Leader Ian Calderon's staff.

Art Krugler of Whittier confronted the Majority Leader with the following remarks:

Three of us attended;  Barbara Autry
and daughter Sammie & me.
I had printed out a copy of the law. 
Somewhat prepared;
We were surprised that they did not expect us???  No appointment.
But we did meet with Samantha Marquez, Sr Field Rep. and two other

She acknowledged that they had been getting many phone calls re SB
We were asked who we represented; 
Barbara had your sign but was not able to fully explain why we were
representing the Mass Action effort.
Barbara stated her concerns as a parent and the problems with the
financial rules of SB 1146
We were told financial stuff had been removed from the bill yesterday –
and LA Times has an article.

Supposedly, a student with governmental financial aid will be allowed
to go to a religious school.

I added to her concerns:

1   The bill allows any student
who feels discriminated against to file law suits – this will increase school

2 Those schools claiming religious exception do have to file with the
state agency;
Sam.. did not know that all who file are listed on a public website.
This can have impact on future employment of grads.
“I see you went to a discriminatory school – no hire”
“We cannot hire anyone from a discriminatory school – it is our policy’

3 Public schools are trying to deal with the “Choose your bathroom of
choice today” issues.
It will cost money to comply with that policy as well.  More bathrooms??

4 If housing is provided to students, instead of Men/Women they will
need to add LGBT;  four more dormitories.
The cost would shut down schools

5 This country was settled by people seeking religious freedom.  ( Brought out Monday; thanks to Danny Hartzel

"With passage of this type of bill, Where will future pilgrims

6 Do we need more laws??
Federal plus 50 states all passing laws;  each one designed to control (do this or
don’t do this), and to Punish.

We should be very careful about laws.  
We cannot drive a mile down the hi way without breaking laws.

Are we still “Free”?

7 There are financial components;

8 Government has not been very good at making decisions;

Eggs and butter are bad ( for a while ) now they are better than
Farmers and stores had to spend money to provide three types of milk.
Schools had to educate everyone about the “hazards”, and now uneducate.
Laws on Drugs, the Hydrogen highway, electric cars, now the PM2.5
program; and particulates may not be harmful to health.

Gasoline additive; Lead ruled dangerous, then MTBE ruled out, now
Finally; the impact on Global Warming.

The 97% of scientists were selected by counting the number of
scientists who had written and published “peer reviewed” papers that were
funded by Government.
Those who tried to publish papers not supporting the CO2 mantra were
not published;  (I did not state that
careers were affected.)

I gave Samantha my name and address; she said she would send
information to me.
Arthur Krugler

Others are calling – and the bill is being changed; now we need to see
how and act quickly. 

Great work, Art!
Great work, California MassResistance!
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