There is no justifiable reason for supporting a tax increase in California.

The political class in Sacramento is spending money as if it grows on trees. They demonstrate no sense beyond wasting the money of hard-working taxpayers, who deserve a break from Big Government. There is no money left beyond what individuals earn and take home, which will be less if Governor Brown's tax initiative passes.

The state does not create jobs, but merely moves money around to hire a permanent class of workers who would have much to lose if the budget were slashed and multiple departments throughout the state were closed. People have to stop living off the state, off the forced handouts of other people.

The bandaid of state funding must be ripped away. The voters in California and across the country must accepted that we cannot have our cake and eat it, too.

If we will not work, then we do not eat. We have no right o cannibalize the youth of today and deprive them of a sound and stable future.

A tax increase is the last thing that the taxpayers in California should have to shoulder. When politicians agree to cut spending, to stop up the debts and deficits eating away at our local and state-wide offices, when public unions lose a significant element of their collective bargaining rights, freeing up local and state leaders to make necessary cuts and seek out more cost-effective health care contracts, then the people of the state of California will feel more inclined to offer a little more to the state.

Major spending reforms and deficit reduction must come first — then revenue increases can be on the table.

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