I wanted to share this eblast and all the links within with as many people as I could connect with. The Sacramento regressive leftists know no bounds, no shame. They would criminalize free thought of every kind if they could. As of now, every piece of legislation rushed through the state legislature is picking and cutting away at the rights of California's citizenry.

We must stand up to this perversity.

AB 2943 would criminalize the Bible and any other source of counseling or teaching which guides men and women to give up homosexuality and transgenderism.

These behaviors are destructive mental and emotional disorders which should be confronted, not accommodated. It's time to stop being nice about the LGBT-gay marriage-homosexual agenda.

It is agressive, abusive cultural marxism at its worst–and it must be stopped!

Make California Godly Again!

Dear Defender of Religous Liberty,

I wanted to make sure you saw this very important message from our friends at Focus on the Family. We appreciate our national allies sounding the alarm on AB 2943!

Jonathan Keller | President, California Family Council

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Focus on the Family
Date: Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 4:07 PM
Subject: Free Speech Threatened by CA bill

Dear California friend,
A bill threatening free speech and religious freedom has passed the California State Assembly and is moving through the State Senate.
AB 2943 is a wide-reaching piece of legislation that threatens churches and counselors with lawsuits for communicating the message that change from homosexuality or healing from gender identity confusion is possible.


Please contact your state Senator and ask him/her to oppose AB 2943.
The bill uses the stateโ€™s consumer fraud statute as a means to penalize free speech on the issues of homosexuality and gender identity. It would impact the following for proclaiming a biblical view of homosexuality, and male and female, when a financial transaction takes place:
  • Christian counselors
  • Bookstores โ€“ whether in a building or online
  • Christian schools and colleges
  • Church conferences
  • Publishers
  • Medical and mental health care professionals
Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Matt Sharp explains the implications:

"California AB 2943 makes it unlawful for any person to sell books, counseling services, or anything else that helps someone overcome unwanted same-sex attraction or gender identity confusion. As a result, it could be a violation if a pastor encourages a congregant to visit the church book store to purchase books that help people address sexual issues, perhaps including the Bible itself, which teaches about the importance of sexual purity within the confines of marriage between a man and woman."

There is still time for you to get involved! The bill is pending for a vote in the state Senate, so now is the time for you to speak up on behalf of free speech and religious freedom.
Please contact your state Senator and ask him/her to oppose AB 2943 because adults should have the freedom to live their lives according to their faith.

To send a message to your California Senator, go to Stop2943.com.


For more information about this bill and other bills of concern, go to California Family Council.



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