One of the biggest problems facing American’s political culture is enforcement. President Obama, with phone and pen in hand, chooses which laws to enforce and which to ignore (immigration laws, secure borders, etc). Before challenging the Open Border lobby in Washington, US Senator Jeff Sessions exposed the declining prosecutions for gun crimes in federal court. Why demand more gun control when the President refuses to enforce the laws against gun violence in the first place? Then there’s the sordid case of Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis, who refused to assign marriage licenses to same-sex couples, regardless over the Supreme Court’s decision to overstep its authority and the US Constitution’s clear letter and spirit.
In Huntington Park, CA, I have continued working with a growing activist group We the People Rising. These members have fought illegal immigration, corruption, and the anti-patriotic sentiment in our nation’s leaders and local elected officials who refuse to put Americans first. This group of engage conservatives have taught me so much about effective demonstrations and protests, as well as the means necessary to expand conservative principles in deeply liberal California. Surprisingly enough, in Huntington Park have found a lot of likeminded Democratic voters, conservatives at heart, who actually vote Republican in Presidential elections.
After three months of protests and pressure following the council’s appointment of two illegals to city commissions. We have been ramping up our approach, demanding enforcement in a city where the very council does not honor the rule of law. Enforcement is now our aim, and we are playing the game to win. Going on an enforcement tour throughout Los Angeles, we determined to reach out to all responsible federal agencies to stop illegal immigration, particularly in Huntington Park, CA. So, last week, fed up with inaction from the feds against the corrupt city council, which appointed two illegal aliens to city commissions, and has appointed friends and relatives to city commissions. They also purportedly swore in these two illegal aliens, yet a livescan requires documentation, does it not? Not only that, but the city council members continue to write on electronic devices during public comment, a violation of state law (the Brown Act) and thus federal law, since the communications take place over the Internet.

We the People Rising
Los Angeles office of the FBI

We went to the Los Angeles satellite office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I have never been to the FBI before. I suppose that’s a plus, considering that I do not lie in bed plotting federal crimes.
The security on November 19th, 2015 was the strictest I had seen, more than at the airport or into courthouses, state or federal. After passing through the metal detectors, I had to marvel: why can’t the feds establish similar strictures along our borders?
As an American citizen, it never occurred to me how easy we can make a difference. The Los Angeles County District Attorney already intervened on our behalf when the city council removed me and a senior citizen for saying “Yes” during my comments. Another records request, and city council members stopped writing on their laptops during public comment. For two hours, three fellow conservatives, aspiring poet and activist Chanell Temple, seasoned legal expert Stella Stephens, and America First Latinos Founder Raul Rodriguez accompanied me.
After two hours of testimony, our group drove to the office of Congressman Ted Lieu (D-Torrance/Los Angeles). His main office, tucked away in an expensive office off of Wilshire Blvd., was hard to find, and the door into the office locked from the inside. I had to buzz in just to speak to my Congressman’s staffers. Once inside, I related to the interns that I wanted an investigation into Immigration, Customs, and Enforcement, because that agency was still doing nothing about the two illegals in Huntington Park or the city council members who were aiding and abetting their illegal entry and unlawful presence in the country. The staffers also listened to the inspiring yet harrowing accounts of Nick Ioniddis, the Greek Immigrant who fled his socialist homeland to find freedom and opportunity in America, all of which is now under siege in a city attacking the very foundations of our society: individual liberty, limited government, rule of law, and national security.
From the Congressman’s office, our Enforcement tour slogged through miles of traffic into Downtown Los Angeles for our last stop: the United States Attorney’s Office. Despite the intense resistance from street to street, we made it to the massive, old school Art Deco building. Before rushing to the US Attorney, we posed before a statue of the Young Lincoln, a remind of the strong integrity and focused work ethic which established this great nation. Despite some snafus with courthouse security – they would not permit us to take pictures or to record our writing and filing of official complaints against Huntington Park – We the People Rising introduced another element in our Enforcement Tour.
Driving out of Downtown Los Angeles to our next destination – meeting with fellow conservatives in Torrance, CA – was a nightmare, and a strong reminder why we are fighting for enforcement of our immigration laws. From driver’s licenses for illegal aliens to expanded public benefits at taxpayer expense, regardless of legal status, more people are crowding into a state with less room and fewer resources. The noisy, gleaming traffic snarled throughout the Downtown area, and slowed our exit by one hour. Illegal immigration is impacting every American, and a growing number of enclaves throughout Los Angeles contain violent elements, illegal and unwilling to integrate or assimilate with this country.
These anti-American, anti-security, anti-liberty trends must be stopped. Our nation’s culture and statutes must be honored, our nation’s sovereignty respected. The fight in Huntington Park is about more than just the rule of law, but the ruling standard of whether the United States, in the words of a young honest lawyer turned magnificent chief executive shall remain “under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
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