Who does the President of Mexico think he his?

He indicts Mexican corruption, then attacks The United State's "insatiable" demand for the drugs flowing North from his country.

Mr. Calderon fails to realize that demand is not a force or entity that can be tarnished or trashed.

His nation has struggled with political legitimacy for years, and yet he insists on blaming Mexico's strongest trading partner and aid in the War on Drugs?

Well, American drug policy is fueling the demand, no question about it.

Corruption is rampant because working with the cartels is better than trying to fight them, and getting shot. Kick backs are lucrative.

Yet the biggest driver of the illegal drug market is the War on Drugs itself. More accurately styled "Prohibition on Steriods," the fight to stop the supply and shipment of illegal substances is a one grand loss. Once again, Big Government is a Big Failure, an agent of force which cannto coerce private habits, no matter how unseemly and anti-social.

The federal governments of Mexico and the United States cannot police their own people and their trade with their Northern/Southern neighbors. No matter how many weapons, state officials, or military personnel step in to stop the Narco Civil War eating up Mexico, it will only drive the drug market underground, drive up the price, and drive out the remaining bastions of civilization from a nation that was once one of the outstanding kindgoms in Meso American and later the Spanish Empire.

Rather than biting at the drug addictions of the North and the greed-infused greasy palms of the South, both the United State and Mexico must declare the War on Drugs a failure, decriminalize, and restore order to the free markets and local government.

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