Mexican President Felipe Calderon has had harsh words for the United States.

Before a joint session of the United States Congress, Calderon has denounced this country's immigration and drug enforcement policies.

Our leaders must hold their Latin American counterpart accountable for positions which have done more harm than good for his country.

For starters, the Mexican legislature remains a disorganized deliberating body, one which resorts to physical affronts, in some cases blocking the ascendancy of the winning party from the previous election from ascending the main dais.

The President has failed to secure his people from marauding drug cartels which attack police stations and corrupt the police force in a number of municipalities.

The greatest obstacle to individual liberty, however, beyond the failed drug policies which are turning Mexico into a war zone, is the lack of free market innovation. A nationalized petroleum company,along with the growing concentration of power in the hands of entrenched corporate oligopolies, has all but thwarted the power of the individual voter to make his voice and will heard in local and state governments.

The abysmal public school system is become a global laughing-stock of cronyism, union pandering, and low expectations combined with dwindling resources and demoralized staff.

President Calderon would serve his country best if he limited the role of the state in his country's business and trade policies. By decriminalizing drugs, by reforming the judicial system to greater trasnparency and acountability, the President would demonstrate to his people, his employees, and his party a desire to expand the welfare of the country beyond his term of service.

If he wants to promote the human treatment of his people as the emigrate from his country, perhaps he could begin by inculcating values, structure, and stability to municipal, statewide, and federal government, doing away with the fraud and corruption which has marred the legislative process while discouraging private enterprise and entrepreneurship.

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