I still receive these emails from the California Republican Party.

Chairman Jim Brulte and team ask a lot of questions, no doubt, at least in private.

Why are they not raising enough money? Perhaps because the Republicans elected to represent us … are not representing us.

What will it take for Executive Leadership in the state party and throughout the different counties to stand up for what is right and make California Great Again?

Is there any hope for the CAGOP with all the #MeToo sexual assaults and allegations chipping away at Sacramento Democrats' numbers in the state legislature? We have so much opportunity, yet seemingly little leadership to take on the tasks and do something right.

Here is their latest eblast. You decide whether they deserve any money  … or not:

We are not raising enough money to fight the far-left, progressive agenda in Sacramento. As we write this, the Democrats are continuing to raise millions of dollars from big labor unions and special interests.

It is critical that we post strong end of year numbers to ensure our Party has the sufficient funds needed going into the New Year. Will you stand with us against the Democratic elite and contribute $25 today?
As Californians, our fight is not over and it is important that we keep the momentum going into 2018! To make that happen we must meet our end of the year deadline. It is fast approaching, and we need your help!
Your generous contribution today of $10, $20, $50, $100 or more will assure our Party hits our yearly online fundraising goal, and that Republican leaders have sufficient resources to spread a message of conservative solutions throughout the state.
Thank you,

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