August 27, 2018
Anti-Family California Bill AB 2943 – reparative therapy ban – STALLS in State Assembly!

But we're not done yet – A phone call (or more) NOW from everyone would REALLY help.

Session ends this Friday, Aug. 31. We can stop this!

Hello, California MassResistance:


Assemblyman Evan Low's evil bill AB 2943, the reparative therapy ban, has stalled considerably in the State Assembly. This cruel bill would hurt children and adults seeking help with "sexual orientation" or "gender identity" issues.

Contrary to some reports in the press, including the conservative media, the bill has not passed out of the State Legislature. The bill did pass the State Senate on August 16, where one Democratic State Senator, Richard Roth of Riverside, abstained following massive pressure from his constituents and our call to action to get him to vote "No!".

But the State Senate amended it slightly, so the bill needs another concurrence vote in the Assembly by August 31 or else it dies. The Assembly met three times this past week, and yet not one time did the bill's author bring the bill up for a final vote. We believe that is because of the hard pro-family lobbying against it. The LGBT Lobby and the bill's proponents are really starting to worry.

To explain how effective our efforts have been, consider that AB 2943 was Item #11 on the August 23, 2018 Thursday Assembly floor calendar … and the majority caucus SKIPPED over it!

Assemblymembers have been getting hammered, and they do not want to vote for this bill! But the pressure NEEDS to continue.

Check out California MassResistance Director Arthur Schaper confronting his assemblyman Al Muratsuchi over this travesty. Anyone can see that the Assemblyman was not ready to go to the mat defending his vote!


Contact info for all 80 Assemblymembers

Our 2-page handout of information on AB 2943

Our brief talking points on AB 2943

In particular, we need more of you calling the following 23 assemblymembers and telling them to vote "NO!" on AB 2943. These are "on the fence" and can shift their votes or remain opposed to the bill:

1. Arambula, Joaquin
2. Baker, Catharine
3. Calderon, Ian
4. Cervantes, Sabrina
5. Cooley, Ken
6. Cooper, Jim
7. Frazier, Jim
8. Gabriel, Jesse
9. Garcia, Cristina
10. Garcia, Eduardo
11. Gray, Adam
12. Grayson, Tim
13. Holden, Christopher
14. Irwin, Jacqui
15. Maienschein, Brian
16. Medina, Jose
17. Mullin, Kevin
18. Muratsuchi, Al
19. Quirk, Bill
20. Quirk-Silva, Sharon
21. Reyes, Eloise
22. Salas, Ruby
23. Rendon, Anthony (Speaker of the Assembly)

We urge everyone to take the following steps:

1. Call your own state assemblyman, even if that member is not on our list. Urge him/her to vote NO! on AB 2943. Visit the member's district offices if possible.

2. Forward this email to your pastor, your church groups, and other conservative groups. Urge them to follow the same steps:

3. Contact one or more of the 23 assemblymembers listed aboveand ask to speak with one of the staffers about AB 2943. Schedule a phone conference if possible. Use these talking points linked above to explain your opposition and urge the assemnblymember to oppose the bill.

We have the momentum on our side. Feel free to call the Governor to oppose this bill, too, but make sure to contact the state assemblymembers above all.

We have one more week. If this bill does not get out of the state assembly by August 31st at 11:59 pm, this bill dies!

Keep up the great work, and don't stop calling. Your efforts are paying off!


Arthur Schaper
Director, California MassResistance

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