I have commented at length that the California Republican elected officials in Sacramento need to get a spine and stand up for the people of the state of California.

I have mentioned that even the US Senate Republicans, who have routinely caved to President Obama's agenda, have finally said "No!" to the Occupant's Supreme Court nominees.

If that example is not strong enough, then look to Councilmember Jack Guerrero of Cudahy, CA.

He is the only locally elected Republican in the five city area of Southeastern Los Angeles County who has stood up against the corruption, fraud, waste, and outright lawlessness in Cudahy.

For a little background, readers should know that in this region, city after city has been wracked with crime and corruption. City councilmembers in other cities have ended up in jail or forced out of office.

Councilman Jack Guerrero

Bad contracts, under-the-table dealings, and outright

Here are some videos of this young conservative Latino standing up to his corrupt, liberal colleagues:

Here, in January 11th, 2016 he called them out at the beginning for the year for numerous financial issues.

From late January, 2016.

Here, in early February 2016, Guerrero blasted his colleagues for repeatedly trying to stifle public comment.

Over the next two meetings, he has prevented his corrupt and absent colleagues from forcing him to make all the hard, bad votes and to keep spending money which the city does not have.

He has consistently voted against wasteful novelty projects, none of which serve the city. Unlike the other four council members, he has respected the limited income of the working class community residents in Cudahy.

If this one Republican in heavily-Democratic Cudahy can stand up for his community and stop excessive spending and taxes, so can the California Republican members in the State Assembly and State Senate!

California GOP: Say No to MCO Taxes!

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