The Democratic Party of California is falling apart from within.

It's too bad that Republicans can't get their act together in this state to make California Great Again.

This insanity has to be confronted.

At any rate, just to show everyone who divided the California Democratic Party has become, here is the list of how many delegates for which candidates in statewide races:

It's bad enough that they think that Dianne Feinstein is too conservative.
They couldn't coalesce around any one candidate for governor, either. Crazy. I am still surprised that Chiang was pretty close to Newsom, even though he has shied away from single-payer health care talk.
What do the Democrats have to offer Californians, anyway? More debt? More despair?
Please, everyone, we must work harder to stop this insanity. We can do better than this, can we not?
This is California, and California must not fall further into socialism. We cannot allow Democrats to pilfer and nibble at the corpse of California any longer. Enough is enough.
Put Americans First!

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