National Journal Columnist Ronald Brownstein is attempting to wedge into the
debate which is pushing the embattled incumbent further to the marginal left.
President Obama has embraced positions on wedge issues like gay marriage,
abortion, and even immigration which threaten the very demographics which
generally favor Democrats, as well as pushing back into the Republican column
those states which helped propel him into the Presidency in 2008.
Obama's uninformed and unjustified attacks on Romney's tenure at Bain
Capital are uninspired and improperly motivated. Wealth creation is the primary
goal of investment, which every time lends itself to hiring and job creation.
It is foolish to assume that businesses are invested in creating jobs, for why
would anyone hire workers, other than to accomplish tasks that turn a profit?
The primary goal of profit is not a scandalous motive, when taken in light
or the positive consequences which ensue. Liberal economist Adam Smith pointed
out at length in his seminal work "The Wealth of Nations" that men go
into business not out of the goodness of their hears, but for profit, yet this
self0sh motive serves the community and the individual far more than government
President Obama is already waging a losing war on a Republican challenger,
who according to Rasmussen polls has inspired the growing majority of voters as
possessing a great zeal and skill for improving this nation's economy.
Whatever other wedge issues which may surface in the course of the 2012
general election, they will certainly be overshadowed by the economic straits
which have forced Americans to budget down and buckle in for trying times at
the gas pump, at the super market, and at home.