Marilyn Hickey Ministries sent me an interesting marketing appeal last week.
They sent me an envelope seeking a donation by offering a dollar in the envelope!
One dollar included in the offering envelope to me!
Brilliant idea.
Marilyn Hickey strongly encouraged the receiver to sow a seed in order to "prime the pump" of God's miracles in our lives.
Tithing is a winning move for Christians. In the Body of Christ, the more that we realize that God has provided us all things, then we have no problem releasing 10% of what we have earned to our local church.
I was really moved, impressed

I have never heard of any ministry sending money to prospects. This brilliant, blessed idea demonstrates what Solomon taught:

"Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after
many days." (Ecclesiastes 11:1)

And you know what? I donate to them in turn!

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