Los Cuatro Corruptos de Cudahy — Cristian Markovich, Christian Hernandez, Chris Garcia, and Baru Sanchez — have voted on huge spending sprees with no oversight.

They want to give out lavish contracts to the labor unions, then continue imposing high taxes and fees on the working-class residents.

They cancelled the January 25th, 2016 city council meeting, then tried to call a special meeting for Jan. 22nd. They failed to grant adequate notice to the residents, and even one of the city council members, Jack Guerrero, published to the city residents at large that the meeting would violate the Brown Act, since he did not receive written notice in time.

That city council meeting was cancelled.

Then another meeting was scheduled, this time for January 27th.

We the People Rising were ready to be there.

We the People Rising

Our team has gotten stronger, well-connected and ready to protest when necessary against rogue actions from local governments.

Huntington Park, CA appointed two illegal aliens to city commissions. Our efforts have not ceased there for the city council to reverse their perverse decision.

In Cudahy, the city council announced that they would declare their municipality a "sanctuary city".


The Cudahy Kids have been trying to suppress public input. They tried to throw the activists off and prevent them from coming to protest.

At the latest city council meeting, which began at 5:00pm (a time which clashes with their colleague Jack Guerrero's work schedule), the three members present voted to approve loans and spending totaling nearly one million dollars!

And there was no discussion on any of those items.

Only the residents in the city and members in the audience spoke to those matters.

They are not adults. Los Cuatro Corruptos are children, boys who have no sense of responsibility.

And they routinely tried to limit or shut down our public comments.

They did not even permit public comment on issues NOT on the agenda for that evening!

Outrageous! This sanctuary city has not sanctity whatsoever. None.

More to follow. . .

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