2016 Breitbart Primary

Thanks for voting! Here are the preliminary results:




After entering my votes for my top three GOP Presidential candidates for the nomination, the following results appeared.
I submit that Cruz is popular because he has been a featured US Senator on Breitbart.
Scott Walker is in second place, and that is not bad at all, considering that Walker has not even announced his bid for President.
Jeb Bush is nowhere to be found. No one should be surprised. He gets the most negative press on Breitbart. An establishment figure with no established following aside from big money and a lot of marginalized press.
My votes?
I voted for Scott Walker as my first vote. If anyone has been following my writing,  my musings, and the analyses of the current and growing crop of political candidates running for President, they will know that Walker has been my candidate from the day he stood up to and defeated the public sector unions in the Dairy State.
Followed by Walker?
Bobby Jindal. A success story of success stories, he has a bold agenda, one in which he has pressed back against Common Core. He has brought businesses into the Pelican State, and his latest flourish, issuing an executive order protecting religious liberty, demonstrates a resolved character to lead on the right issues, without fear of a bullying media or a fawning  press. Of all the candidates potentially running for President, Jindal not only talks tough to terrorism, but recognizes that there is a big problem within Islam itself. He supports life and marriage, and has pushed back against illegal immigration and Big Government, even when fellow Republicans in Louisiana have not fought as hard or stood with him in the fight.
I look forward to Jindal's announcement very soon.
My third choice?
Ted Cruz.
He is strong, galvanizing, willing to work against factions and stand on principle.
Perhaps the most hated member of  the US Senate, he has not flip-flopped on immigration or other issues. An excellent orator with strong debating skills, he can communicate.
What does this country need now more than much else? Strong leadership and the ability to make the case for values long ridiculed, neglected, and/or forgotten.
I have written before, and I will affirm this view. I could vote for many of the candidates, including the five listed in the Breitbart Primary, and not regret the decision, or feel that I had to hold my nose in order to do so.
As Maryland Governor Larry Hogan declared on the steps of the Annapolis statehouse:
"It's a great day to be a Republican, isn't it!"
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