Yes, it begins.

They have shut down my YouTube channel, going after freedom of speech and very likely attacked the channel because I was taking up the fight against the rampant sanctuary state lawlessness.

I cannot reveal where my other channel will be at this time, since I want to encode and archive as much information as I can going forward.

Rest assured, all my videos have been safeguarded. I am not sure what route I am going to take at this point.

But what is needed know more than ever is an en masse outcry against this massive, untenable abuse of power by Big Tech corporate cronyism.

The answer in my view is not more regulation from the government, but rather a proliferation of choices. More social media platforms are opening up to permit broader expression of First Amendment rights, responsibilities, and abilities.

Recall that they shut down one of my videos as "hate speech" because I was speaking out against Anti-Semitism:

Someone has been backing up my videos, so take a breath, everyone.

We need to recognize that we are winning some major fights here if YouTube has to resort to such abuses, including the false advertising that they promote free speech and free expression, when the truth is quite the opposite. I will probably open up another blog site very soon, too, since Google has multi-million more reasons to shut down free speech rather than permit and announce a multiplicity of free opinions and open dialogue.

Here's all you need to see:

The fight is growing, and we are winning. We see how liberty is undermining the Big Tech, Big Business, and Big Government elites in our country. 
The corrupt, left-wing media no longer have the power they once had, and it's driving them crazy. The Silicon Valley princes aren't too happy that their influence is waning, too.
More platforms are opening up all over the Internet, which are permitting more people to speak out and challenge the folly of socialism, communism, and corporate cronyism.
Hold onto your hats, everyone. It's going to be a bumpy ride, but we are ascendant!

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