The nomination and confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett has broken the will of the regressive left.

There is nothing they can do to stop this confirmation. Nothing.

The View announced in very sober, quiet tones that they had already lost this fight.

Here are two videos of their capitulation:

Click here.

Also click here.

In the two videos above, the somber state of the four cackling, leftwing witches is all gone. They are quiet, they are calm, they are defeated–and it is glorious!

Even Joy Behar acknowledged "We have lost the battle."

It was really something, to see those five cackling hens concede that they had lost the Supreme Court. They realized that the battle is over.

Check out this video from earlier on:

"Since Democrats can't really do anything to stop this …"

The Republican Party in the US Senate won. They pushed through an unprecedented slate of federal judges, an array of judicial officers who can strike down Joe Biden's unlawful, unconstitutional executive orders.

Republicans need to learn from this victory. They have to push for total wins now. It's no longer about compromise. It's about winning! It's about fighting for the Republic of the United States, for the United States Constitution, for everything that our Founders fought for.

Republicans need to learn to break the will of Democrats, so that they stop fighting. They need to understand that Republicans, that conservatives, that everyday citizens are not going to sit back and let Democrats destroy this wonderful country.

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