The last two weeks have shown a steady decrease in open border advocates and the pro-amnesty left at key events and protests. At Ed Royce's Brea office two weeks ago, I drove there and joined with other members of We the People Rising after our office visit to Rep. Paul Cook's office in Apple Valley.

It was a busy day, to say the least.

The Indivisible 39 Group showed up to protest Royce's vote on Tax Reform. Despite the misconceptions people on the Left have about cutting taxes and ending regulatory burdens, the truth is that allowing corporations to keep more of their earnings allows for more company growth, hiring, expansion, productivity, etc.

Who would not want that?

While the Indivisibles knocked out their protests against Royce, We the People Rising kept waiting for the DACA protesters to show up.

We waited, and waited some more. After about 30 minutes, the pro-illegals still did not show up. I finally asked Gary and Robin their take on the pro-illegal diminution. Grindall61 pointed out that the public at large is getting tired of the DACA brats tirade. All the screaming, yelling, and protesting in the streets, disrupting events, going after elected officials is not working. We the People, the law-abiding, tax-paying citizens have had more than our fill of illegals who have no right to live in the country.

In spite of their unlawful presence in the country, they have been blessed, and they should be glad that they have received what they have. Now they need to return to their home countries, regardless of whether they lived in this country since they were three years old, or they were brought here at 17 or they just arrived illegally across the border.

The illegals have lost the sympathy of the American voters.

Robin reminded me and the audience at large that there are millions of Americans in great need. Homeless veterans, foster children, mental ill, and unemployed Americans of all backgrounds in great need. It's time for the federal government to take care of American citizens. Why does this bother people? The guilt trips from the progressives, and the greed of the Chamber of Compromise has taken its toll on the national discussion for so long. Yet more Americans are learning about the great harms which illegal immigration has inflicted on average Americans.

These amnesty factions have forgotten one of Saul Alinsky's important Rules for Radicals: "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." They are drag, and the American people can;t wait for ICE and other law enforcement officials to drag illegal aliens into jails, detention centers, then back to their home countries.

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