BREAKING: Outrageous Push to Cover Up Sex-Ed Materials in
South Bay Community in Los Angeles County

California District Refuses to Let MassResistance
Photograph, Record Sex-Ed Curriculum
Full Report Here!

On December 10, 2019, Arthur Schaper, our Activism Director,
attended a meeting to look at the sex-ed curriculum which his local school
district had adopted.
Torrance, California is a relatively quiet suburb located in
the southwestern section of Los Angeles County. The school district is well-known
for hiring good teachers and providing a safe learning environment for
students. Many parents pay top dollar to move into the city of Torrance in
order to enroll their students in Torrance Unified.
Torrance Unified Education Material Building
Arthur had submitted a number of FOIA requests to the
Torrance Unified District to get more information about the student enrollment
and to find out what the district was teaching students from K-12 in connection
with the California Healthy Youth Act (AB 329).
The District was slow to respond to Arthur’s requests
initially. Arthur had to refile the FOIA request to know which sex-ed
curriculum they had selected. Finally, the school district got back to him, and
they scheduled a time for him to look over the sex-ed curriculum.
December 10, 2019
Arthur arrived at the Torrance Unified School District
Education Services office, right across the street from the district main
When he entered the building, he was greeted by two
staffers, who then directed him to the Categorical Funding Specialist, Orly
David, who was going to show him the different curricula that Torrance Unified
had adopted for sex ed.
For the record, a categorical funding specialist directs and
facilitates the implementation of state and federal programs. Much of these
monies come from different grants and categories.  These programs include supplemental materials
for students from low-income families as well as students who do not speak
English as a first language. Additionally, funding specialists help provide programs
for teacher and administrator training, as well as professional development.
Categorical Funding Specialist Orly David
Mr. David was friendly, and invited him up to the second
floor into another meeting room. As soon as they arrived, David asked Arthur if
he was familiar with the rules, i.e. what he would and would not be allowed to
do in connection with the curriculum.
Arthur asked “What’s going on?”
David then explained to Arthur that he would not be allowed
to take photos of the curriculum!
This was really shocking to Arthur, since he had been able
to take photos and record the content of the sex-ed curriculum at the Downey
Unified School District. When pressed to explain why Arthur would not be
allowed to record or take photos, David responded: “Those are the orders that I
have been given.”

Positive Prevention Plus is
than Teen Talk according to a
number of sources
Sex-Ed for Elementary School?!

Who gave the orders? Ramona Cheng, the Director of Curriculum
at Torrance Unified School District.
Arthur brought Brian Camenker, the President of
MassResistance, into the conversation by speaker phone. Brian was livid, and he
demanded to know why Torrance Unified would not permit Arthur to take photos
and record video, but Downey Unified had allowed him to.
When Arthur took out his camera to record, David right away
took the materials away!
Dr. Ramona Chang of
Torrance Unified (Click
here for video
At this point, Dr. Ramona Chang  was brought into the room vias speaker phone,
as well. She told Arthur that she could look at the curriculum, but he would
not be permitted to take photos or record the curriculum.
Here’s the entire interaction below:
Dr. Chang explained that because the materials were
copyrighted, no one would be permitted to take photos or record video. This
makes no sense, since school materials are funded by public dollars. 
the public have a right to know and share information that will be taught to
their students? Like David, Dr. Chang hid behind the color of authority,
informing Arthur that Dr. Katie Krumpe, the Chief Academic Officer for Torrance
Unified, had ordered all staffers that no one would be allowed to take photos
or record video of the curriculum.
This is really strange, since Arthur had already taken
photos of the sex-ed curriculum used in Downey Unified. Furthermore, the
California Healthy Youth Act and the Fair Use Doctrine connected to federal
copyright laws disputes all of this.
Key sections of the California Healthy Youth Act read as
follows (with key portions highlighted:
"The Legislature
intends to create a streamlined process to 
make it easier for
parents and guardians to review materials and evaluation tools related to
comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education
"At the beginning
of each school year… The notice shall do all of the
following: Advise the parent or guardian that written and audiovisual
educational materials used in comprehensive sexual health education and HIV
prevention education are 
available for inspection….
Here’s Information about
the Fair Use Doctrine in Copyright laws:
use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the
unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances. 
107 of the Copyright Act
the statutory framework for determining whether something is a fair use and
identifies certain types of uses—such as criticism,
comment, news reporting, teaching
, scholarship, and research—as examples
of activities that may qualify as fair use.  Section 107 calls for
consideration of the following four factors in evaluating a question of fair
  • Purpose and character of the use, including whether
    the use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes
    :  Courts look at how the party claiming
    fair use is using the copyrighted work, and are more likely to find
    that nonprofit educational and
    noncommercial uses are fair.
      This does not mean, however,
    that all nonprofit education and noncommercial uses are fair and all
    commercial uses are not fair; instead, courts will balance the purpose and
    character of the use against the other factors below. 

  • Amount and substantiality of the portion used in
    relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
    :  Under this factor, courts look at both
    the quantity and quality of the copyrighted material that was used. If the
    use includes a large portion of the copyrighted work, fair use is less likely
    to be found; if the use employs only
    a small amount of copyrighted material, fair use is more likely
    That said, some courts have found use of an entire work to be fair under
    certain circumstances. And in other contexts, using even a small amount of
    a copyrighted work was determined not to be fair because the selection was
    an important part—or the “heart”—of the work.

  • Effect of the use upon the potential market for
    or value of the copyrighted work

    Here, courts review whether, and to what extent, the unlicensed use harms
    the existing or future market for the copyright owner’s original work. In
    assessing this factor, courts
    consider whether the use is hurting the current market for the original
    work (for example, by displacing sales of the original)
    whether the use could cause substantial harm if it were to become
According to the criteria listed above, MassResistance had every
right to take photos and record video of the sex-ed programs selected by
Torrance Unified. Our intent has always been to inform and educate the public
about the sex-ed programs that schools are pushing on children. Based on our
motives and results, MassResistance activists have every right to take photos
and record video of school materials.

Arthur reached out to a fellow activist who has documented
curriculum materials in other school districts, as well. Even though she faced
a great deal of opposition from school boards and administrators, she would
record anyway, and no one stopped her.

At the Torrance Unified School District, however, Orly David
intervened and took the curriculum materials away right away. Dr. Chang asked
Arthur  over the speaker phone if he
would be content to just looking at the curriculum or leave.
 Arthur requested to speak with Dr. Krumpe, but
she was not available. Since the district would not allow Arthur to photograph
or videotape the curriculum, Arthur decided to leave.
However, he recorded his interaction with Mr. David and
other staffers:
Mr. David complained about his privacy being violated.
However, school districts are public entities, and staff and curriculum are
funded by public dollars. Right-to-know should trump any public official’s
demand for privacy, especially when it comes to teaching perverted material to
children all under the label of sex-ed.

School districts around the country face increasing pressure
for lobbyists and non-profits to promote certain agendas. The LGBT movement has
been relying on these groups for a long time to force their way into public
schools, and in turn to find ways to indoctrinate students into accepting
sexual deviance an other perversions as appropriate and mainstream.
MassResistance is committed to exposing everything about
this destructive agenda forcing its way into every aspect of our communities
and our culture. For now, MassResistance is going to explore what legal options
are available for pursuing Torrance Unified regarding this stunning amount of
secrecy around Positive Prevention Plus and Puberty Talk. For a district to go
to such lengths to hide the sex-ed curriculum that they are giving to children,
it certainly suggests that that there is something very sinister and wrong
about what they want to teach Torrance youth.

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