This is beyond ridiculous.

It's time to have Mark Zuckerberg civilly prosecuted for shutting down Freedom of Speech on a social media platform. Does this arrogant freak really think that he has a right to open people up to social media, only to pull away their rights to communicate?

PLEASE forward this information as far as you can. It's time to get off these outrageous platforms and move onto different forms of social media!

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From the Desk of Jeff Schwilk, President of San Diegans for Secure Borders:

Please forward this far and wide.  We must expose these open border fascists to the entire world!
Facebook has gone full Nazi now.  Yesterday, Facebook deleted our event page (below) for simply wanting to stop the illegal alien caravan  from illegally entering our sovereign nation.  Our event page had been up for about four weeks and had about 950 people signed up to either attend or “interested” in attending.  Now it is gone.  Zapped for hosting a 100% peaceful and lawful event to oppose the unlawful invasion of our country by up to 1600 illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico.
But fear not, we are still planning a big rally at the San Diego border this weekend to show opposition to our current policies and laws that allow hundreds of thousands of mostly fake asylum seekers to enter our country and remain free while their cases are adjudicated – currently up to two years.  Of course over 90% of the illegals never show up for their hearings.  They just become part of the 12-20 million illegal aliens hiding (in plain sight) in our formerly sovereign nation…. Details of our big rally coming soon.
This post goes against our Community Standards
Only you can see this post because it goes against our standards.
STOP the Caravan of 1500 Illegal Aliens from Mexico
Facebook has recently “criminalized” any speech about ILLEGAL aliens, aka foreign criminals.  You are now a criminal on Facebook and subject to banishment if you talk about criminals hiding illegally in our country.
12. Hate Speech
We do not allow hate speech on Facebook because it creates an environment of intimidation and exclusion and in some cases may promote real-world violence.
We define hate speech as a direct attack on people based on what we call protected characteristics — race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, and serious disability or disease. We also provide some protections for immigration status. We define attack as violent or dehumanizing speech, statements of inferiority, or calls for exclusion or segregation. We separate attacks into three tiers of severity, as described below….
Do not post:
Tier 1 attacks (“attacks” as defined by FB, i.e. opposition to illegal aliens), which target a person or group of people who share one of the above-listed characteristics or immigration status (including all subsets except those described as having carried out violent crimes or sexual offenses), where attack is defined as
Any violent speech or support for death/disease/harm
Dehumanizing speech including (but not limited to)
Reference or comparison to filth, bacteria, disease, or feces
Reference or comparison to animals that are culturally perceived as intellectually or physically inferior
Reference or comparison to subhumanity
Mocking the concept, events or victims of hate crimes even if no real person is depicted in an image
Designated dehumanizing comparisons in both written and visual form
Tier 2 attacks, which target a person or group of people who share any of the above-listed characteristics, where attack is defined as
Statements of inferiority implying a person's or a group's physical, mental, or moral deficiency
Physical (including but not limited to “deformed,” “undeveloped,” “hideous,” “ugly”)
Mental (including but not limited to “retarded,” “cretin,” “low IQ,” “stupid,” “idiot”)
Moral (including but not limited to “slutty,” “fraud,” “cheap,” “free riders”)
Expressions of contempt, including (but not limited to)
"I hate"
"I don't like"
"X are the worst"
Expressions of disgust, including (but not limited to)
Cursing at a person or group of people who share protected characteristics
Tier 3 attacks, which are calls to exclude or segregate a person or group of people based on the above-listed characteristics. We do allow criticism of immigration policies and arguments for restricting those policies.
Content that describes or negatively targets people with slurs, where slurs are defined as words commonly used as insulting labels for the above-listed characteristics.
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