It was a two-fer victory for the conservatives at the Dixon City Council meeting, located in Solano County, CA.
I attended the meeting on behalf of MassResistance, the pro-family group that fights the LGBT Agenda–and makes a difference.
Fifteen of us attended the meeting to show our support for Vice-Mayor Ted Hickman, who faced a hate-storm simply for writing an article calling for "Straight Pride American Month". The LGBT Hate Machine geared up with lots of people to denounce the Vice-Mayor and call for his resignation.
That took place July 10th. On July 24th, MassResistance showed up to show support for the Vice-Mayor, for natural marriage, for family, and for Freedom of Speech.
The LGBT Hate Machine numbers dwindled significantly by then, down by two-third according to one report.
Now for more good news.
On the agenda, the city council prepared to pass a resolution to oppose SB 54 and file an amicus brief to join with the Huntington Beach lawsuit!
I jumped out of my seat when I saw that. If not for MassResistance being there, no one would have spoken in favor of the resolution and against the sanctuary state law.
But there we were. About 8 of us had remained behind to speak against SB 54, and only 6 people spoke in favor of SB 54 and against any kind of resolution.
Surprisingly enough, the city councilman who was leading the fight against Vice-Mayor Hickman, Devon Minnema, introduced the resolution against Sanctuary State!
After public comment ended, the city council voted UNANIMOUSLY to oppose SB 54 and file an amicus brief.
This is so cool! Keep in mind that Solano County is technically part of the Bay Area, and the more liberal regions do everything they can to crowd out and shame more conservative sections of their regions.

Check out my YouTube livefeed of the meeting below:
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